There's alot of varibles with catching canines but hopefully this info. will help.
First thing is location,location,location. Where your catching the big coon may not be where the canines are running. Don't abondon those sets that took the big coon just resest them as you may well catch a canine over time. But look for canine travel routes that take them to food, water, and cover. i.e. they'll travel fence rows to get to grassy areas for mice, they'll travel crop changes to get to cover providing rabbits, water etc.
Has it snowed yet....their tracks will tell you where their going. Loud call lures will pull them in from a short distance, but not far. Use large sight attractors as they cannot see them without investigating....its just their nature.
Lastly be patient...coyotes here where I am as everywhere have large areas they cover. They may not be back for a couple of ready. Fox are have much smaller areas and will frequent your sets on a daily basis ( if there on their travel routes.
Winter sets.......get some dry dirt from abandoned barns, their will be mating soon, get some gland lures, also loud food lures in the winter.