Author Topic: Old school .22LR zero  (Read 2182 times)

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Offline dks7895

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Old school .22LR zero
« on: May 03, 2011, 06:12:29 PM »
I was talking to an older friend about where to zero a scope on a .22LR.  He told me that .22LR should be sighted in at 22 paces.  That's what he always did.  Makes a lot of sense to me and easy to remember. 
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Offline PowPow

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Re: Old school .22LR zero
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2011, 06:19:48 PM »
that would give you a zero at 22 yards and at 50 yards.
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Re: Old school .22LR zero
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2011, 07:05:15 PM »
I sight mine in at 18 yards exactly. That gives me a zero of around 65 yards with a midrange height of 1".

T/C Handguns, one good shot for your moment of truth !

Offline dks7895

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Re: Old school .22LR zero
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2011, 02:44:07 AM »
that would give you a zero at 22 yards and at 50 yards.

obviously it depends on the ammo used but I think it puts you dead on at 60 yards.  top of the arch about 1/2" high at 40 yards, and about 1 inch low at 75 yards.  in my book this is about perfect for just about anything.
Winchester 100 .243; Marlin XS7 .308; Stevens 200 .223; Rossi 92 .45LC; Marlin 1894C .357M; Marlin 30AS .30-30; NEF Pardner Pump 12ga; Mossberg 500 Turkey 20ga; Winchester 1200 20ga; Savage Mark II F .22LR; Henry H001 .22LR; Marlin 60SB .22LR; Ruger 10/22 DSP .22LR; Remington Genesis .50 cal ML; Ruger Vaquero .45LC; Ruger Blackhawk .357M; Ruger SR9c 9mm; Ruger Single-Six .22LR; Browning Buck Mark Camper .22LR; Crosman Powermaster 760 .177; Crosman Storm XT .177; Mission X3

Offline semperfi1970

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Re: Old school .22LR zero
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2011, 06:39:40 PM »
I guess I am an oddball. I zero at 100 yards with a milldot scope set at 6 power. First milldot up for 50, crosshairs for 100, 3rd dot down for 200, and 6th dot down at 300 but set on 4 power all using standard velocity ammo. A 22lr may have short little legs but they are capble of more than the 50 yard dash.  ;D    Here is a 300 yard group using standard velocity ammo with a weak crosswind, 19 out of 20 hit paper. And a 200 yard target with 40 rounds in it using the same cheap standard velocity ammo. Im sure good ammo would tighten up groups some and if I could shoot worth a darn would help even more.