Author Topic: Just pick up an older 45 Cal Huntsman, some questions please.  (Read 1027 times)

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Offline Redhawk1

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What is this thing worth, it is in good shape for an older 1070's ML. It has the original ram rod, stock and forearm look good as well. I have not knocked out the breech plug, and have not had time to inspect the barrel as of yet. I have looked down the barrel with a bright light, there appears to be no pitting.

I would like to get some feedback as to how these things shoot. I have read some of the other post here but no one really got into how well they shoot.

Is this something I should hold on to or just sell it?
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Re: Just pick up an older 45 Cal Huntsman, some questions please.
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2011, 05:51:27 AM »
I have paid from $75 to $150 for them. They shoot very well have a 56 twist . I have 2 of them at this time one has been converted to shoot BH209 other is original. I shoot full bores and Minnies out of them but they also shoot Patched round well. Solid well made inexpensive. They have been selling for a little higher recently are they a pot of gold... nope not yet. Good shooters though. Keep or sell is up to you. Kurt
Deceased 2/16/24

WTUTI12ga,WTU25-06,M158 22RemJet, 24"Ultra.204Ruger24"UltraFluted.204Ruger
M157Mannliker.22Hornet,24".223UltraFluted,   24".223Ultra,7X64BrenekkeUltra,22-250AIUltraFluted            7.62x39,22"303Britstub.32H&Rmag, .32303BritstubHuntsman,24" SS.50calHuntsman 58calHuntsman 12gaHuntsman
NEF RevolversSSModel73.32H&Rmag                     Blued Model73.32H&R mag The herd is shrinking!!
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Offline garbhead

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Re: Just pick up an older 45 Cal Huntsman, some questions please.
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2011, 06:07:07 AM »
Are all the 45's slip-in plugs?  I have one on the way myself(sight unseen ughh) that has no plug at has AP serial number which puts it at about 1976 I think.....I will know when it gets here if it is threaded or not..been researching breech plugs and of course I'm confused as of now... never had ML before...about time I guess...I'm sure I'll have a lot of cleaning-up to do...glad I found a bunch of experts on here....thanks to all
12g shortie w/chokes,Tamer .410,12g "Buck" slug gun w/20g extra barrel, 12g smooth bore tracker I, 45/410 w/22vp matched set, 7mm-08, .308 20",

my avatar pic is my 1960 Rambler I bought in 1972 for $175..6 banger 3-on-the-tree...drove it for 5 yrs  22mpg.. was "hot-rodding" (LOL) one night...tore out 1st/reverse gear. Drove it that way for 2 yrs(with no reverse and only 2nd and high)  Had to really plan ahead when parking.
sold it for $125
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Re: Just pick up an older 45 Cal Huntsman, some questions please.
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2011, 06:19:12 PM »
One of mine is threaded and the other is push in plug. Kurt
Deceased 2/16/24

WTUTI12ga,WTU25-06,M158 22RemJet, 24"Ultra.204Ruger24"UltraFluted.204Ruger
M157Mannliker.22Hornet,24".223UltraFluted,   24".223Ultra,7X64BrenekkeUltra,22-250AIUltraFluted            7.62x39,22"303Britstub.32H&Rmag, .32303BritstubHuntsman,24" SS.50calHuntsman 58calHuntsman 12gaHuntsman
NEF RevolversSSModel73.32H&Rmag                     Blued Model73.32H&R mag The herd is shrinking!!
                                 "SOLI DEO GLORIA"

Offline OldSchoolRanger

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Re: Just pick up an older 45 Cal Huntsman, some questions please.
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2011, 07:06:24 AM »
Are all the 45's slip-in plugs?  I have one on the way myself(sight unseen ughh) that has no plug at has AL serial number which puts it at about 1976 I think.....I will know when it gets here if it is threaded or not..been researching breech plugs and of course I'm confused as of now... never had ML before...about time I guess...I'm sure I'll have a lot of cleaning-up to do...glad I found a bunch of experts on here....thanks to all
I also picked up one at the beginning of this month. Mine was really, really dirty, from built up black powder/BP substitute residue. I just finally cleaned the barrel out to the point where I think it's "clean". Under the gunk, the barrel wasn't too bad, some of the bluing is gone, and there is some  light rust, but still working on it. Mine was a push out, it came out after soaking with a foaming MZ cleaner. The nipple was clogged, so much that you couldn't push a nipple pick through it. Finally cleaned it out, by soaking in a cleaner, and pushing a thin wire through until I saw daylight. Currently working on cleaning the receiver, by blasting cleaner through the 3 holes in the back. My hammer originally wouldn't lock back, but, it must have been the BP residue build up which prevented it from locking back. Now it's starting to lock back occasionally. I have it in parts on the dining room table (makes the wife unhappy). My next step is to take it apart to clean it thoroughly, but haven't found time to work on it yet. Mind didn't come with a ram rod, and neither H&R or Numerich Arms has any available. Thinking about building a solid wood one (but that would stick out too far in front of the muzzle), if all else fails, will buy a Hubbard replacement. Hope you have plenty of time to work on your new toy.
"You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts." - Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When you allow a lie to go unchallenged, it becomes the truth.

My quandary, I personally, don't think I have enough Handi's but, I know I have more Handi's than I really need or should have.

Offline garbhead

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Re: Just pick up an older 45 Cal Huntsman, some questions please.
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2011, 05:06:51 PM »
Is it possible to make a threaded one out of a push-in type breech plug barrel in 45 cal?   
12g shortie w/chokes,Tamer .410,12g "Buck" slug gun w/20g extra barrel, 12g smooth bore tracker I, 45/410 w/22vp matched set, 7mm-08, .308 20",

my avatar pic is my 1960 Rambler I bought in 1972 for $175..6 banger 3-on-the-tree...drove it for 5 yrs  22mpg.. was "hot-rodding" (LOL) one night...tore out 1st/reverse gear. Drove it that way for 2 yrs(with no reverse and only 2nd and high)  Had to really plan ahead when parking.
sold it for $125
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.--Mark Twain

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Re: Just pick up an older 45 Cal Huntsman, some questions please.
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2011, 04:19:20 AM »
Don't know if it's practical. But I would think it would be possible. Kurt
Deceased 2/16/24

WTUTI12ga,WTU25-06,M158 22RemJet, 24"Ultra.204Ruger24"UltraFluted.204Ruger
M157Mannliker.22Hornet,24".223UltraFluted,   24".223Ultra,7X64BrenekkeUltra,22-250AIUltraFluted            7.62x39,22"303Britstub.32H&Rmag, .32303BritstubHuntsman,24" SS.50calHuntsman 58calHuntsman 12gaHuntsman
NEF RevolversSSModel73.32H&Rmag                     Blued Model73.32H&R mag The herd is shrinking!!
                                 "SOLI DEO GLORIA"

Offline OldSchoolRanger

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Re: Just pick up an older 45 Cal Huntsman, some questions please.
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2011, 04:59:59 PM »
Is it possible to make a threaded one out of a push-in type breech plug barrel in 45 cal?
I guess great minds think alike!  ::) I just asked the same question, just differently in a different thread.
"You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts." - Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When you allow a lie to go unchallenged, it becomes the truth.

My quandary, I personally, don't think I have enough Handi's but, I know I have more Handi's than I really need or should have.