The more a person thinks about it, they have a product that lots of people want... but they don't feel the need to keep their literature updated to sell that product, nor keep their customer service people in the know abouth that product. With this economy, you would think they'd be trying to sell every last barrel they have and pounce on that chance to do business like a wood duck on a junebug. They'll have a rough time competing with the Rossi that has barrels for sale over the counter, without the fitting fees, shipping charges, and now inspection,(which is for free...I think). It would chaf a guys rear to go through everything to get a new barrel and not have it pass the inspection. When you add it up, with the hassle it entails along with the costs, the barrel program isn't the deal it was years ago when I got most of my barrels. I still love the guns , but I think I'll pass on the barrel program and buy compete guns without the hassle.
Thanks for the info Brian!