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Counties North and South mark Civil War sesquicentennial
« on: May 10, 2011, 01:41:08 PM »
Anybody know more about this town burning story?

... refusal of a Confederate ransom demand for “100,000 in gold and 500,000 Yankee dollars” resulted in the burning of Chambersburg.
 “They burned the core of town, and over 500 structures were burned — over 2,000 people were left homeless,” Pollard said. The resulting $1.5 million in real estate and personal property damage “was devastating.”
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Re: Counties North and South mark Civil War sesquicentennial
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2011, 04:48:24 PM »

When Chambersburg residents learned on the morning of July 30, 1864 that yet another Confederate cavalry raid was approaching their city, most people were not overly concerned. Rebels had occupied the city in October 1862 and again in June 1863, soon before the Battle of Gettysburg. On both occasions Southern troops had behaved reasonably well, although they had burned military supplies and railroad equipment during marker Jeb Stuart's raid of 1862.

But this time would be different. Eighteen sixty-four was an election year, and Union armies, after making steady progress in Virginia and Georgia, seemed to be stalemated by the Confederates. President Lincoln feared, with good reason, that he would not be re-elected if his generals failed to provide military victories. In addition, in the Shenandoah Valley, Jubal Early's troops had recently defeated Union General David Hunter's forces, and then managed to approach the forts defending Washington D.C. before falling back in the face of Union reinforcements.

Earlier that summer, General Hunter had permitted his troops to loot and burn private property in the Valley. To retaliate, General Early came to the conclusion that "it was time to open the eyes of the people of the North to this enormity, by example in the way of retaliation." Early decided that Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, would be the object of his retribution. First though, he would give its residents the chance to hand over $100,000 in gold or $500,000 in currency to compensate people in the Valley for the loss of their homes.

The Confederate raid would be led by General John McCausland, and consist of his own brigade and that of Bradley Johnson; perhaps 2,800 men and 4 cannons in all. McCausland assembled his force in the panhandle of West Virginia, and then crossed the Potomac at McCoy's Ford on the morning of July 29. A detached company of the 6th United States Cavalry, patrolling the Mason-Dixon Line, quickly located McCausland's column and fell back slowly, setting up ambushes and delaying the northward advance of the enemy. By three o'clock that afternoon, the Yankee Regulars had been driven out of Mercersburg, but their delaying tactics had given warning that the Rebels were coming.

In 1864, Chambersburg was the headquarters of marker Major General Darius N. Couch, commanding officer of the Department of the Susquehanna, the military department responsible for Pennsylvania's defense. But Couch had few troops since most of his units had gone to Washington to reinforce the garrison there. Warned that a Rebel cavalry column was headed his way, Couch evacuated his headquarters, sending his guards and supplies north by rail.

In the meantime, McCausland's troops, after resting briefly in Mercersburg, moved out by midnight towards Chambersburg. Delayed by the lone company of Federal horsemen, the Rebels moved through St. Thomas at about two a.m. on the 30th. Union troops again delayed the enemy advance from their position atop the hill just west of this marker, but by dawn had retreated.

Around 5:30 a.m., the Confederate artillery fired perhaps six rounds over the city. Leading his cavalry into the town square, McCausland and his chief officers sat down to breakfast at the Franklin House. There the general ordered the arrest of leading citizens, including attorney J. W. Douglas, who was provided a copy of General Early's order, and sent to tell the townspeople that the Rebels would burn the town if they did not provide the required ransom. "I then went up Market Street and told everyone I met of the rebel demand." Douglass later recalled. "They generally laughed at first, and when I spoke earnestly about the terrible alternative, they said they were trying to scare us and went into their houses. I then went up Main Street in the same manner and with the same result."

Other detainees had told McCausland that bank funds had already been removed and sent north for safekeeping. When Douglas informed McCausland that he could find no money, the general had the courthouse bell rung to call citizens to the square, and then ordered his troops to burn Chambersburg.

Rampaging through the town, Confederate soldiers broke into houses and evicted residents, smashed furniture, heaped the pieces into piles, and then set them on fire. By eight a. m. the city was in flames. As the city burned, renegade soldiers robbed citizens, looted stores, and drank whatever liquor they could find. Some demanded ransom money to spare a home, then torched it anyway after the ransom was paid. Not all Confederates participated in the sacking of Chambersburg. The Masonic Temple was spared when an officer who was also a Mason posted guards to prevent its burning. When the colonel of the 21st Virginia Cavalry refused to obey the burning order, he was arrested and his entire unit sent out of town. Other Confederates tried to help frantic citizens retrieve household goods before their homes were burned. In the end, perhaps 550 buildings went up in flames. In spite of the widespread arson and looting, the Rebels killed only one civilian, an elderly African American. Angry citizens killed at least five Confederates by the time the raiders had withdrawn.

Later that morning Union cavalry led by General William W. Averell rode through the burning town in pursuit of the Confederates. Trooper C. A. Newcomer of Cole's Maryland Cavalry would later recall the scene:

    Those of us, who were in the advance, went through the burning town, bending forward upon our horses' necks, as fast as our faithful steeds would carry us. We had no knowledge of the great destruction and devastation that we should witness, and when we had once started it was necessary to continue through the burning streets. Houses on fire on both sides, it was no time to turn back, and to stop was to be burned up; our poor horses were mad with fright. Each and every one of us felt relieved when we got to the outer edge of the town. The atmosphere was stifling, with the smoke that settled over the earth like a pall. The citizens were gathered in groups; strong men with bowed heads, women wringing their hands and the little children clinging to their mothers' dresses and crying. Desolation on all sides! It was a sad picture, long to be remembered.

Outdistancing Averell's pursuit, McCausland's force attacked the Union garrison at Cumberland, Maryland, before re-crossing the Potomac. Reinforced with fresh troops and horses, Averell finally caught up with McCausland at Moorefield, West Virginia, where his troops on August 7th inflicted a crushing defeat on the Chambersburg raiders.

The Confederate raid on Chambersburg had no impact on the military outcome of the war, nor had Early expected it to. But graphic photographs of the ruined city circulated widely across the North and led to calls for retaliation against the South. In a series of battles in September and October, General Philip Sheridan's Union army crushed Early's outnumbered forces in the Valley, then effectively destroyed the agricultural life of the Valley's residents by extensive burning of barns and crops. In early September, General William T. Sherman captured the city of Atlanta and then burned it to the ground. These two victories helped insure Lincoln's victory in the November election and that the war would not end until the Confederacy was defeated.

McCausland's raid would be the last time that Confederates entered Pennsylvania during the Civil War. Jubal Early never regretted his decision to burn Chambersburg. And the Pennsylvanians who lived through it never forgot the raid. When McCausland died in 1927 at age ninety, some obituaries in Northern newspapers still referred to him as the "Hun of Chambersburg."

According to the "total war" advocates on this forum, that action was totally justified.  And it sounds as if, in general, the Confederate troops were more merciful than the federal raiders in the south, even though Gen. Early wanted to give the north a taste of what the federals were doing in the south.  Destruction of property, yes.  But the people were given a chance to escape.  There seem to be no reports of rapes, beatings, and multiple murders. 

Again, using the "total war" advocates arguments that any means is justifiable to reach ones ends, altogether too soft on an enemy population.  He should have ordered his troops in to kill, rape, pillage, and destroy with as little warning as possible.
Your ob't & etc,
Joseph Lovell

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Offline Brewster

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Re: Counties North and South mark Civil War sesquicentennial
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2011, 05:51:22 PM »
Early and McCausland, I'm sure, inspired Sherman to reciprocate 3-1/2 months after Chambersburg.

Offline subdjoe

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Re: Counties North and South mark Civil War sesquicentennial
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2011, 06:03:58 PM »
Early and McCausland, I'm sure, inspired Sherman to reciprocate 3-1/2 months after Chambersburg.

I take it you missed: 
Earlier that summer, General Hunter had permitted his troops to loot and burn private property in the Valley.

But then, I suspect that you will overlook any predations by the north because the federals were fighting to 'free the slaves."
Your ob't & etc,
Joseph Lovell

Justice Robert H. Jackson - It is not the function of the government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error.

Offline williamlayton

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Re: Counties North and South mark Civil War sesquicentennial
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2011, 12:35:17 AM »
The North fought to preserve the Union. The South was motivated by the expansion of slavery.
War is hell---in any since of reality.
Why is it that we assume it is hell for soldiers and not for citizens of the land being fought in?

Offline Brewster

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Re: Counties North and South mark Civil War sesquicentennial
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2011, 02:32:15 AM »
sibdjoe just can't seem to grasp those facts

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Re: Counties North and South mark Civil War sesquicentennial
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2011, 10:12:15 AM »
Well, I see we are back to Willy saying the War was all about slavery.  Again.  And after denying he makes that claim (preserve the union to prevent the spread of slavery is making it all about slavery).  Nicely twisted, Willy.
Your ob't & etc,
Joseph Lovell

Justice Robert H. Jackson - It is not the function of the government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error.

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Re: Counties North and South mark Civil War sesquicentennial
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2011, 01:32:38 PM »
I did not say that the North fought the war to stop slavery.
I said the South statred the war to expand slavery.
That was a poor save Joe.

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Re: Counties North and South mark Civil War sesquicentennial
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2011, 05:43:59 AM »
Ironfoot you have now brought up one northern town to show What? That there was good and bad on both sides or to give excuse to the killing and raping of some 50 to 75,000 Southern White and Black Women and children. Plus several major cities in Georgia and Carolina.

Great job! ::)
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They differ enormously about what evils
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Offline Brewster

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Re: Counties North and South mark Civil War sesquicentennial
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2011, 11:57:16 AM »
and I'm sure there is documentation....  Your figures come to about 33% of the women and children populating the Sherman corridor from Atlanta to Savannah.

Edit by Moderator to remove offensive sarcasm...D

Offline Ga.windbreak

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Re: Counties North and South mark Civil War sesquicentennial
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2011, 10:53:51 PM »
Your figures come to about 33% of the women and children populating the Sherman corridor from Atlanta to Savannah.

BTW you left out the state of South Carolina, Sherman did not and neither did I thus my figures reflect that FYI.

As for links, I've posted 100's thruout this forum covering any and all facts I've posted...

Edited by moderator to remove unneeded sarcasm.  If you retaliate or respond to a flame or sarcasm don't be reporting it to the  Mod,  there ain't no self defense in bad conduct. ...DD 
"Men do not differ about what
Things they will call evils;
They differ enormously about what evils
They will call excusable." - G.K. Chesterton

"It starts when you begin to overlook bad manners. Anytime you quit hearing "sir" and "ma'am", the end is pretty much in sight."-Tommy Lee Jones in No Country for Old Men

Private John Walker Roberts CSA 19th Battalion Georgia Cavalry - Loyalty is a most precious trait - RIP

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Re: Counties North and South mark Civil War sesquicentennial
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2011, 08:12:03 AM »
This is an interesting debate about the brutality of war.  Stick to countering the other persons facts not attacking the other person even with sarcasm.  Such conduct does not contribute to the debate and only demeans you and your point of view.

Ga.Windbreak and  Brewster...take a time out!!