Howdy, I'm fairly new here, been lurking over on the Handi rifle section mainly. I am a long time bowhunter, and I am taking the plunge this year and buying a rifle to leverage some late season meat hunts. Other than the M-16 I was issued in the Army, I haven't owned a firearm. I seem to spend all my money and time on archery related things.
I thought I was all set on an H&R Survivor in .308. I was planning on putting a decent ($200 range) scope in it. All in all, it would be close to $500 dollars. However, I was in Dicks Sporting Goods tonight, buying my son some stuff for soccer. We walked by the gun counter, and I noticed they had a Remington 700 ADL .308 with camo synthetic stock and what looked like a no-name scope, for $549.
My question is, for a $500 budget, what gun would you choose? This will be mainly used for hunting cow elk, antelope does, etc. Just a meat getter really, but I want it in .308 and I want something that has good accuracy out at 200-300 yds. Is the Remington with a cheap scope a better bet than a cheaper rifle with a much better scope?