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Offline lgm270

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Obama's Family Photos- Forgeries and Composites
« on: April 12, 2011, 11:32:18 AM »
In an earlier thread I referred to my research into Obama's family history and my evidence that there are material contradictions and discrepancies about his personal,  educational and professional history in his  own books and the official record. I also  made the statement that  my review of so called "family photos" of the youthful Obama appeared to be forgeries and frauds, composites that depicted other persons as Obama  and otherwise defective.  One  glaring example of fraud is the fact that his grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham,  allegedly served in WW2 in the US Army, but is depicted in uniform with a  Marine Corps. hat, to which a US Army badge has been attached. 

Below I have attached threads to some of the subject photos and my comments about them.   

Here are links and analysis  of Obama photo history.

This widely circulated photo but undated, purportedly taken in 1945 and featuring  Stanley, Madelyn and Ann Dunham, was   released  from the Obama family.   It is an obvious composite, made up of three, distinctly different photos that were “cut and pasted” together, a blatant forgery cobbled up  to legitimize the Dunham family.

First notice that both Madelyn and Stanley Dunham are so sharply in focus that you can see the whites of their eyes and their individual teeth.  Now look at “Ann.”  She is so poorly focused that her eyes and mouth are just black holes.  No details are visible. Her “face” more closely resembles a grotesque Halloween mask than a human being. 

Next, notice that Stanley has a shadow line down the front of his face,  indicating a light source from his left.  Neither Madelyn nor little “Ann” have any shadow line at all.  It is impossible for three people sitting essentially in each other’s  laps to show such disparities in focus and lighting.   Also, “Ann’s” head appears to be too large for her little body..   

There is another issue regarding the family time line.  The “Ann Dunham” purportedly depicted here is between two and three years of age. Some internet  captions state that she is three years of age in this photo.  This raises a number of other questions about the authenticity of this photo, separate and apart from the obvious visual anomalies set froth above.  According to official  history,  Stanley Dunham enlisted in the US Army on January 18, 1942.   A birth certificate of Ann Dunham from the State of Kansas indicates that that Ann Dunham was born on November 29,  1942. Stanley’s on line history is that  he enlisted in the US Army in January 1942,  (Obama’s book, Audacity of Hope falsely says Stanley enlisted the day after Pearl Harbor was bombed.), was deployed to Europe with the 1830th  Ordance Supply and Maintenance Company, Aviation  to support the U.S. Army 9th Air Force in 1943, was reassigned to Patton’s  fabled Third Army after the D-Day invasion, and was discharged from the US Army on August 30, 1945.   There is no evidence that Stanley was ever furloughed from Europe back to the USA during the war. He saw no combat and was never wounded. 

If Ann Dunham was three years old when this  picture was taken, it raises some very serious questions about the family time line.  Ann was born on November 29, 1942 and was merely an infant at the time   Stanley was deployed  to Europe in 1943.  Clearly  Ann is not an infant in this photo.   

Stanley did not return to the USA until after the war and prior to his discharge on August 30, 1945.   At this time, Ann was two years and nine months old. 

However, Ann Dunham did not turn three years old until November 29, 1945. This was three months after Stanley was discharged from the Army.  Did he keep his uniform just to have himself photographed with it in a family portrait?   Unfortunately,  all of the Dunhams are deceased and there is no record of the  identify of the photographer who purportedly took this photo, or any of the individual photos from which it was “cut and pasted.”

This undated picture purports to depict Stanley and Madelyn Dunham in 1942, shortly after Stanley enlisted in the U.S. Army. The problem is, the hat  is a U.S. Marine Corps. hat, not a U.S. Army Hat. Clearly this photo is a fraud.

Also, notice that the Dunhams are standing up right at a 90 degree angle relative to the base of the photograph, as would ordinarily be expected.  Notice, however,  that the house in the background is not parallel to the ground, but  rather that it tilts at approximately a 9 degree angle.  If your house is not level, but rather tilts at a nine (9) degree angle, how do you keep the furniture from sliding downward?  How do keep your water glasses from tipping over on the dinner table?  Do you have to bolt down your table lamps to prevent them from falling over?   This is another example of a clumsily crafted fraud.

Here is the cover of the paperback edition of Dreams From My Father, re-issued in 2004.   

Notice the picture on the right, purportedly of Stanley Dunham in his WW2 Army Uniform and holding little Ann on his lap.   Problem:  Although purportedly serving in the U.S. Army,  this photo depicts Stanley wearing a U.S. Marine hat.  It does have a U.S. Army badge pinned on, but the badge is off center.

Note something else:  Stanley's Marine Corps hat is tilted at a jaunty angle. It has a US Army badge pinned on.  The problem, apart from being attached to a US Marine hat,  is that the tilt of the badge does not match the tilt of the hat:(
  This suggests that the Army badge was pasted on as an after thought and the forger not only didn't get it properly centered, but neglected to match  the tilt of the Army  badge with the tilt of the  Marine hat.

Check out this link to see what an authentic WW2 era  U.S. Army Enlisted Man's Visor Hat looked like and what Stanley Dunham would have been wearing if this were an authentic photo.

This is a picture taken in the early 1970s purportedly showing and 11 or 12 year old "Obama" with his grandfather, mother and half sister, seemingly at the airport. Notice that his nose is much smaller and narrower relative to the rest of his face in this picture as compared with other "Obamas" and notice how dark is his skin color compared with other  “Obamas.”  Do Blacks get lighter with age between their teenage years and their 20’s and  30’s? I don't know. Do their noses get bigger with age? In the case of "Obama" it might seem so.

 Check out this  group photo of the teenage African –American “Obama”  who  has a white  left arm!  They pasted a black person’s head on a white  person’s body! It is a group photo, purportedly from the high school yearbook, which includes "Obama" at prep school when he was a teenager. Notice that all of the other people have their chins raised and are looking directly at the camera. "Obama", however, is looking off to the left and not at the camera. "Obama" is not looking at the camera man because "Obama" was not present with the group when this picture  was taken. The head of this "Obama" was "cut and pasted" on to a white person's body from another photo. Notice the tell tale shadow under Obama's  chin around the base of his neck. None of the other persons in this group shot have that kind of shadow. This shadow indicates his head was "cut and pasted" from another photo.

Notice the deep, well defined creases between his nostrils and his cheeks.

Most tellingly, notice that the left arm of "Obama" is a white person's arm. The skin color of the exposed left arm of "Obama" does not match the skin color of the face. Also notice that the "Obama" depicted in this group picture has a  broad African nose.

This group photo, purportedly from  Obama’s  high school 1977 year book, shows the Punahou prep school basket ball team, with "Obama" in the center. This was purportedly taken at the same high school as the foregoing group photo of students sitting on the stairs.  First, notice that the basketball  "Obama" is much larger than all the other team members. He looks like an adult who is posing with much younger, smaller persons.  This is because the Obama image was taken from another photo.

Second, compare this group shot with the group shot of "Obama" sitting on the steps in the foregoing picture. Notice that in the group shot on the steps, "Obama" is the same size as the other people in the picture, unlike in the basketball team  picture  where he is visibly larger than the other people  depicted. 

Third, notice the tell tale shadow at the base of his neck. This is similar to the tell tale shadow around the base of the neck of the "Obama" sitting on the steps in the first group picture. Also notice that the face of the basket player "Obama" is brightly illuminated from the forehead to the bottom of his nose, but that the area of his face below his nose and cheeks has a dark shadow. Compare this with the other people in the photo. None of these other people has such a shadow on their faces. For "Obama" to have these shadows that are not present on any of the other people on all four sides of him is impossible. The other photograph from which the basketball "Obama" was cut and pasted had a different light source than the group team photograph into which "Obama" was inserted.

Fourth, notice that the nose of the "Obama" in the basketball team picture is visibly narrower nose than the nose of the "Obama" in the first group picture of him sitting on the stairs.

Fifth, notice that the mouths of the two Obamas are clearly different. Moreover, the "Obama" basketball player has a face that is longer and thinner than the face of "Obama" in the first group photograph.   Also, notice that the clearly defined creases between the nostrils and the cheeks that appear in the “Obama” group photo on the steps  are not present on the face of the basketball team  “Obama.”

Finally, notice that the skin color of the face and arms of the basket ball "Obama" are the same, unlike in the first group photo where the exposed left arm of that "Obama" is a white person's arm and "Obama's" face is dark black, like a dark  Afro-American.

This  third high school  picture purports to be Obama's high school Senior yearbook photo and shows Obama in the early 1970s.  Obama  does have  the  trademark big, wide  nose, unlike the basketball team photo of the small nosed “Obama.”   Another difference  is that the well defined creases between Obama’s wide nostrils and cheeks that  appear in the “on the steps group photo” do not appear in this  mug shot, notwithstanding the  broad, trademark Obama smile. 

Another interesting anomaly is the assymetrical hair line shown  in the  yearbook mug shot.  The right hair line comes over the edge of this right eye. In all other photos, Obama has a symetrical hair line. Whether this is a photo shopped image or is just some kind of shadow is not clear.

The above purports to be Obama at Harvard Law School, which he entered in the fall of 1988. It has the trademark Obama big, wide nose, the broad smile and the well defined creases between the nostrils and the cheeks, which creases are absent from most of his earlier photos except for the high school photo showing on the steps with a group of students.   This Harvard  Obama  is visibly the same person as  President  Obama, although obviously younger.  Notice  how big is  his nose relative to the rest of his face.  I reviewed as many photos of Obama as I could find and all of the younger "Obama" representations appear to be different people and not the Obama shown in this Harvard Law  photograph.  The noses of the younger "Obamas" are almost all smaller relative to their faces than the "Harvard Obama."

Obama’s  Harvard period appears to be a sort of  watershed” of Obama pictures.  All of the photos since the Harvard Law photo appear to be the authentic Obama. I have spent countless hours on the web looking at as many photos of "Obama" as I can find and it appears that the true Obama that we now know kind of sprang into existence in the 1988 Harvard photos. The other, earlier pictures of a younger "Obama" do not even look like the same person.

This  family group  picture purports to depict a young Obama in 1982 or 1983, when his  grand parents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham, visited him in New York City, while  Obama was purportedly attending Columbia University. It does appear to be the real "Obama" with his trademark nose that is huge relative to the rest of his face and the well defined crease lines between his nostrils and cheecks, but there are a number of problems with this picture which suggest it to be a composite made of two different photos.

First look at his left hand and you will see his very distinctive wedding ring. Obama did not meet Michelle until 1989 and did not marry her until October 3, 1992. Was he wearing his wedding ring 9 years before getting married, or did his handlers screw up when they cut and pasted his image into this dated picture? I think the answer is obvious.

The next thing to notice is that the wall under the bench is different from the wall to the left of the bench. In this doctored photo, there are two walls when in reality only one exists.

Next, notice that the head of Stanley Dunham and the head of Madelyn Dunham, sitting on either side of Obama, are over exposed, but that Obama, sitting between them, is not over exposed. This is a classic tell tail sign of a composite photograph, but there are other flaws with this picture.

Notice what purports to be Stanley's left hand is resting on Obama's far shoulder. Compare this with the fact that Stanley's upper left arm is in a downward position, perpendicular to the ground and parallel to Stanley's upper torso. With Stanley's upper arm in a downward position parallel to his upper torso, it would have been impossible for Stanely's left hand to reach the full distance over to Obama's far shoulder... unless Stanley's left forearm was from 12-14 inches longer than his right forearm. For Stanley to have reached over to place his left hand on Obama's far shoulder, Stanley's upper left arm would have to be raised up from the side of his torso. The position of Stanely's left arm, firmly against his upper torso, shows that he left hand could not have reached to Obama's far shoulder and the "hand" has been cut and pasted in to create the illusion that Stanely had his arm around his "grandson."

This picture is an obvious composite, created out of at least two other photographs.

Here is another phony Obama photo, this time depicting him in Kenya, purportedly with Kenyan relatives. Obama and two of his relatives are sitting out in an open area, a few feet away from a nearby hut, with a roof that overhangs slightly. It is a clear, sunny day and you can see that the sun is overhead as indicated by  the 12:00 shadow on the side of the hut, the shadow being cast by the overhang of the roof.

Next, look at Obama, sitting, as he is, out in the open under the sun. HE DOES NOT PRODUCE ANY SHADOWS. This is impossible. Go outside on a sunny day and you will notice that all objects produce shadows. Cars,  lamposts, telephone poles and PEOPLE.  All produce shadows. This is a composite photo into which Obama has been inserted to authenticate his "relationship" with the Kenyan family..

Also notice the weird, unnatural way that his head is positioned. His upper torso is leaning to the left, but his head is straight up and down.  Is his neck broken?

Take a look at the below photograph from an Obama in Kenya web site. It shows African children running in the open with the sun overhead.  Notice all of the children are PRODUCING SHADOWS.

These photographs raise serious questions about the veracity of Obama and the Dunham family as well.

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Re: Obama's Family Photos- Forgeries and Composites
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2011, 11:36:30 AM »
It appears a bunch of the links you gave aren't working.
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Re: Obama's Family Photos- Forgeries and Composites
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2011, 12:02:16 PM »
It appears a bunch of the links you gave aren't working.
That ain't all that isn't working.....

Offline guzzijohn

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Re: Obama's Family Photos- Forgeries and Composites
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2011, 12:07:31 PM »
It appears a bunch of the links you gave aren't working.

Of course not, Obama is blocking them.  ;)

Offline lgm270

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Re: Obama's Family Photos- Forgeries and Composites
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2011, 12:16:04 PM »
Sorry about the links. I re did them and they all appear to work now.

Offline Junior1942

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Re: Obama's Family Photos- Forgeries and Composites
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2011, 12:18:09 PM »
This is lmg270's main site:

From wiki: "Stormfront is a white nationalist and supremacist neo-Nazi Internet forum that has been described as the Internet's first major hate site. ..."

Offline lgm270

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Re: Obama's Family Photos- Forgeries and Composites
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2011, 12:27:07 PM »
This is lmg270's main site:

From wiki: "Stormfront is a white nationalist and supremacist neo-Nazi Internet forum that has been described as the Internet's first major hate site. ..."

Maybe Stormfront hacked into the Obama campaign and painted his left arm white, as in the above picture.

And maybe white supremacists are responsible for the photographs of Obama's grandfather wearing a US Marine Corps. hat while  purportedly serving in the US Army.

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Re: Obama's Family Photos- Forgeries and Composites
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2011, 12:29:54 PM »
The old race card! So desperate are our liberal ememies.  ::)
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

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Re: Obama's Family Photos- Forgeries and Composites
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2011, 12:31:46 PM »
This is lmg270's main site:

From wiki: "Stormfront is a white nationalist and supremacist neo-Nazi Internet forum that has been described as the Internet's first major hate site. ..."

Maybe Stormfront hacked into the Obama campaign and painted his left arm white, as in the above picture.

And maybe white supremacists are responsible for the photographs of Obama's grandfather wearing a US Marine Corps. hat while  purportedly serving in the US Army.
I proudly served in the US Navy and once donned my little brother's US Marine Corps hat while he was proudly serving.  Is that against the law?

PS: While I was in the US Navy my younger brother was in West Point.  I probably wore his cadet hat, too.  We did get drunk in uniform one night in Nice, France, circa 1963, so there's no telling what I did.

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Re: Obama's Family Photos- Forgeries and Composites
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2011, 02:21:35 PM »
This is lmg270's main site:

From wiki: "Stormfront is a white nationalist and supremacist neo-Nazi Internet forum that has been described as the Internet's first major hate site. ..."

Maybe Stormfront hacked into the Obama campaign and painted his left arm white, as in the above picture.

And maybe white supremacists are responsible for the photographs of Obama's grandfather wearing a US Marine Corps. hat while  purportedly serving in the US Army.
I proudly served in the US Navy and once donned my little brother's US Marine Corps hat while he was proudly serving.  Is that against the law?

PS: While I was in the US Navy my younger brother was in West Point.  I probably wore his cadet hat, too.  We did get drunk in uniform one night in Nice, France, circa 1963, so there's no telling what I did.

Did your little  brother's U.S. Marine Corps hat have a US Army badge on Stanley Dunham's?

Stanley  Dunham's older brother, Ralph Dunham, also  served in the US Army  during WW2  and participated in the D-Day landing and the final battles of WW2.  It is doubtful the US Marine Corps hat in Stanley's photographs came from his older brother.   

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Re: Obama's Family Photos- Forgeries and Composites
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2011, 02:24:18 PM »
Are you saying
1) That the dude was not Obama's grandfather
2) That the dude was not in the Army
3) That the dude was not in the Marines
4) Some or all of the above

Now is other pics, Obama looks half white. But the white guy looks half black.

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Re: Obama's Family Photos- Forgeries and Composites
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2011, 02:51:15 PM »
Are you saying
1) That the dude was not Obama's grandfather
2) That the dude was not in the Army
3) That the dude was not in the Marines
4) Some or all of the above

Now is other pics, Obama looks half white. But the white guy looks half black.

1.   By all indications, Stanley  Armour Dunham was actually Obama's grandfather.

2.   Stanley Armour Dunham  is purported to have served in the US Army in Europe during WW2. 

3.   Stanley Armour Dunham was never alleged to have served in the U.S. Marines, notwithstanding the U.S. Marine hat which has been photoshopped into pictures of him.

4.  With Obama, the most routine facts are the objects of confusion and contradiction.   His purported autobiography does not set forth a single complete date (i.e. month, day and year).  He does not even set forth his own birth date, and many of the "facts" in Dreams From My Father are contradicted by Obama's second book, Audacity of Hope.

I do not yet have a complete, integrated theory of Obama's real background.  I do not understand the need to fabricate  either  his childhood pictures  or the pictures of the Dunham family taken before he was born if his background was honest and was as represented.   It is as though a great deal of this man's past has been created for him by handlers and ghost writers.   Incidentally, the quality of forgery of the foregoing pictures is very clumsy and unprofessional.     I have a friend with 30 years' experience in advertising and motion picture production.   I showed him the  foregoing pictures and he not only identified all the flaws I found but identified many  others as well.   He noted the poor quality of the forging and fakery displayed in these pictures.   He was the one who caught the flaw in that the angle of the tilt of the Army badge did not match the tilt of the US Marine hat to which it was attached as depicted  in the photograph on the cover of Dreams From My Father. 

It is frightening to think that our country has been so easily taken over by such a transparent and obvious criminal conspiracy to misrepresent this man and conceal so many facts about him.  It is frightening that  Obama and his handlers are so confident in their power and invincibility that they used an obviously forged and  fabricated picture of Stanley Dunham in the wrong uniform on the  cover of Dreams From My Father.  This is  is the embodiment of "in your face." 

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Re: Obama's Family Photos- Forgeries and Composites
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2011, 03:36:02 PM »
>It is frightening to think that our country has been so easily taken over by such a transparent and obvious criminal conspiracy to misrepresent this man and conceal so many facts about him. 

No, it is frightening that some of these guys might believe your BS.  Tell them, please, your logic for why we should have fought England in WWII instead of Hitler.  Instead of lend lease planes, trains and ammunition to Churchill we should have sent oven bricks to Hitler, huh?  You--David Duke, I suspect--should start wearing your Nazi uniform again.

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Re: Obama's Family Photos- Forgeries and Composites
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2011, 03:46:11 PM »
>It is frightening to think that our country has been so easily taken over by such a transparent and obvious criminal conspiracy to misrepresent this man and conceal so many facts about him. 

No, it is frightening that some of these guys might believe your BS.  Tell them, please, your logic for why we should have fought England in WWII instead of Hitler.  Instead of lend lease planes, trains and ammunition to Churchill we should have sent oven bricks to Hitler, huh?  You--David Duke, I suspect--should start wearing your Nazi uniform again.

You ignored my question:  Did your brother's Marine Corps hat have a US Army badge like Stanley Dunham's? 

In an earlier post you said that you and your brother got drunk together in Nice, France in 1963.  You didn't say if you ever sobered up.

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Re: Obama's Family Photos- Forgeries and Composites
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2011, 11:47:20 AM »

The below link is from Ebay where a 1st edition  (1995) of Dreams From My Father is listed for  a measly $5,999.00.
Click on it and take a look at the cover.  It's got yet another bogus  WW2 era  photograph of  Stanley Armour Dunham  wearing his Marine Corps. hat  while he was purportedly serving in the U.S. Army.  This is yet another fraudulent  cut and paste hoax to legitimize this imposter.  Stanley Armour Dunham purportedly served in the US Army, not the US Marines.   

This photo is very interesting because, as far as I can determine, it has never been released by the Obama camp for publication anywhere else.

Here's another link to a signed first edition of DFMF... a steal at $15,000.00!

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Re: Obama's Family Photos- Forgeries and Composites
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2011, 01:11:30 PM »
>It is frightening to think that our country has been so easily taken over by such a transparent and obvious criminal conspiracy to misrepresent this man and conceal so many facts about him. 

What is even more frightening, is that so many in our nation have susepted themselves to be bunked into the divide and conquer methods put forth by a two party system. d's this, r's that.

 It only took stalin about a generation and a half to redirect the populaces thinking in soviet russia. It could be done just as easy here. Human nature doesn't recognize language as a barrier.