I have Both, and they are big guns for ccw, but not undoable. The 629 is a little lighter and more compact then the Redhawk, maybe a little nicer fit and finished. The Ruger is a little stronger gun if you plan to shoot a steady diet of heavy loads, though the S&W's since the early 90's have had an "endurance package" update that works well in eliminating the reputation some earlier revolvers had of shooting loose.
The 4 inch barrel is fine for hunting at normal handgun ranges most deer are shot at. You don't need a super hot heavy load for deer - I have killed quite a few with a 250 grain hard cast semi-wadcutter at about 1000fps, and 240 grain XTP's at 1200. In my opinion, a good self defense round in this caliber would be a 240 grain soft cast lead hollowpoint at about 900 fps; controllable, and as powerful as a hot 45acp, or a full power factory 45lc. Lot of guys like a shoulder holster when carrying a gun this size, especially if you are wearing a thin, dress belt. I usually carry a couple speed strips in my pocket - a lot less bulky then round speed loaders, and almost as quick. On the hip, I like a thick, heavy belt, and a pancake type holster to spread out and stabilize the weight. I never found large frame revolvers comfortable in an inside the waist band holster.