Harry, I like your sig line. Its a reminder to me that ultimately I am accountable to the Master ... not for the perptuity of democracy in North America, but for obeying Him in all things. Its for that reason that I can not ever vote for a known lessor evil. Doing so jeapordizes whether or not I am going to hear "Well done ..."
You seem to fear that voting conscience will always result in evil winning. I'm not negating what happened to Perot, but neither do I believe that that should be sufficient cause to deny the teachings of my Lord, and knowingly choose a small evil. Do you genuinely think that there are so few God fearing Christians in this nation that if we all voted per our conscience, evil would still triumph? Do you think that fighting evil with evil is what He wants from us?
Have a little faith that when you do things God's way, having faith in Him, the results are always in His hands. When faith replaces fear in our nation, voting conscience will keep a constitutional republic in perpetuity, because that's what the people who founded this great nation did - they voted with their conscience, never choosing a smaller evil for fear of results.
You may notice my sig line - I am a military man, and as such I know that victory "at any cost" is not victory, if the cost was of the morals and values that make our "side" morally superior. It is because I love my country, not hate the enemy, that I feel most able to do the right thing when it matters. I'm not afraid of losing a battle if I can keep the prize in focus, and push on to win the war.