I was also looking for a Huntsman, for quite a period of time. I just kept dropping into gun stores around my area, and one day when I went to my local gun store to pick up some heads, I spotted a Huntsman on the used gun rack. Needless to say, I bought the gun without going through the usual, "what comes with it, how much of a break on the price can you give me", routine. Had to change the front sight, but other than that the gun shoots great. Keep looking, or take the advice that quickdtoo gave you, and send in your frame to have an accessory barrel fitted. I think if your willing to wait and have the patience, you can probably purchase all the parts on the classifieds to put one together on your own. I know garbhead had one for sale in the classifieds recently. Good luck in your search, I know that if you buy a Huntsman, you'll be happy with it.