Thank Obama supporters for pulling this country out of the beginning of Great Depression #2. I figure 95% of the banks in America would have failed by now if you Republicans had elected McCain & Palin.
Actually you can thank Bush for that (if you really believe that nonsense), I know that hurts some being stuck in a "I hate republican and love democrat mindset"....but look at it this way, Bush thought the same way as you when it came to's the republican thing that throws you off. Not to mention your timing on who started the bailout thing...your one president off. But hey, don't let the facts get in your way.
Obama did not know what he was doing either, I see Obama and Bush both did the same things, spend money that isn't there, one spends it much faster, so we dug a bigger hole in record time. Therefore...the only thing Bush did not do, was spend enough money according to you.
Nothing else is different between the two as far as I'm concerned. They both signed what was put in front of them by the same congress. Duh.
I guess the next president, according to you, is going to have to spend 4 times more than Obama, to fix what Obama broke...and more bailouts without real money again? to beat depression # 3...or 4?
Tell me Junior, when does the spending more than you have actually end with your math program? Is there an end? If so, why end it? And if so, why not 30 years ago? And do you recommend people at home use this government/Junior type math? Do you use it? If not, why not? Could you not increase your overall wealth by spending more than you have? (Or would that be better with someone Else's money?) Please explain all this to someone who has always followed a budget. We are very interested if this math works for all of us at home. Or is it just a government thing that our small minds could not possibly comprehend? This is a "special budget"...don't try this at home?