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Offline bubba

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kids and toys
« on: April 30, 2011, 03:55:36 AM »
A few years back I gave my nephew a 25-06/50 cal huntsman. I bought it as a 243 then had the huntsman barrel fitted and a 25-06 barrel. I later got rid of the 243 barrel.  He graduated from high school a year ago and has been working as a welder.  Last week, he called me up and asked if I would mind if he traded the huntsman off toward a new muzzleloader.  I upgraded the gun with the alternative ignition system and hubbard rod.  I asked him what they were going to give him on trade for the gun and both barrels.  He told me 120 bucks.  So, I offered him 150 cash to use toward the 975 dollar encore pro hunter muzzleloader he just had to have. he jumped on it.  He killed 2 deer with the huntsman last year, and now it just isnt good enough.  I got the gun he got the cash and off to the shop he went. He came back an hour later with the gun, scope base,  nikon omega bdc scope and an assortment of bullets for a grand total of just over 1300 dollars.  I mounted the scope and bore sighted it.  He had yesterday off, so he went to the range.  When I got home from work last night, he was here. He was griping about how it is a piece if junk and he could not hit paper etc etc etc.  I reminded him about how well the huntsman shot and how successful he had been with it.  He wanted to get the huntsman back, so I told him 200 bucks you can have it back as I already listed it for sale and had an offer of 200.  I do not plan to sell it, but I was trying to prove my point. However, he is not going to get it back either.  To appease him, I rechecked the scope monts etc.  He plans to go back to the range tomorrow.  When he was leaving I said to him I guess more expensive is not always better.  Now I want to say that this is not a diss of T/C. I own several and am very pleased with them all.  He just got used to the ease it was to work u p a very good load for the huntsman and how well it shot.  I will certainly assist him with working up a good load for the encore.  In the mean time I am enjoying watching him stew and grips.  I guess the power of tv hunting shows is evident. 
”A gun is like a parachute. If you need one, and don’t have one, you’ll probably never need one again.”

Molon Labe

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Offline bikerbeans

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Re: kids and toys
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2011, 08:05:19 AM »

before you work up a load for you nephew you might want to educate him on gun values.  Seems to me like he paid way to much for the Encore and sold his H&R for about 1/2 what it was worth.   Maybe hang on to the 50MZ/25-06 and when he matures a bit you can give him a second chance on that combo?

RIP Tom: Tom Nolan, ( bikerbeans) passed away this afternoon (02-04-2021).

Why be difficult, when with a little extra effort you can be impossible?

Wife's Handis;  300 BLKOUT

MINE:  270W, 308x444, 44 Bodeen, 410 shorty rifled slug gun, 445 SuperMag Shikari, 45 ACP shorty,  45-70 Shikari, 45 Cal Smokeless MZ, 50cal 24" SS Sidekick, 50 cal 24" Huntsman, 50 cal 26" Huntsman, 50 cal 26" Sidekick, 50-70 Govt Shikari, Tracker II 20 ga shorty, 20 ga VR Pardner, 20ga USH, 12ga VR NWTF, 12ga Tracker II shorty WITHOUT scope, 12ga USH, 10 ga  Pardner Smoothbore slug gun & 24ga Profino Custom rifled slug gun.

Offline OldSchoolRanger

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Re: kids and toys
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2011, 12:53:23 PM »

"He wanted to get the huntsman back, so I told him 200 bucks you can have it back as I already listed it for sale and had an offer of 200."

Instant profit!  ;D along with a lesson!  ;D

"In the mean time I am enjoying watching him stew and grips."

Along with instant entertainment!  ;D

Somewhere down the road, I see the soft hearted uncle giving the Huntsman Combo back to the nephew that strayed from the beaten and righteous path.  ;) ;D
"You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts." - Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan

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My quandary, I personally, don't think I have enough Handi's but, I know I have more Handi's than I really need or should have.

Offline bubba

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Re: kids and toys
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2011, 03:05:08 AM »
no I am going to keep this one for myself totally.  I will use it as a lesson and take a deer with both barrels this fall. 
”A gun is like a parachute. If you need one, and don’t have one, you’ll probably never need one again.”

Molon Labe

Remember... Four boxes keep us free: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.


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Re: kids and toys
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2011, 06:50:19 AM »
Thanks for the smile Bubba. i know when I got started with this fun I had to have the Encore system after 5yrs of paying way to much i sold the whole works and got hooked on the H&R's. About the only thing the T/C's did for me was fund a bunch of H&R's. Lots of the T/C's need much of the same work as the H&R's for a fraction of the cost. Enjoy your lesson. Kurt
Deceased 2/16/24

WTUTI12ga,WTU25-06,M158 22RemJet, 24"Ultra.204Ruger24"UltraFluted.204Ruger
M157Mannliker.22Hornet,24".223UltraFluted,   24".223Ultra,7X64BrenekkeUltra,22-250AIUltraFluted            7.62x39,22"303Britstub.32H&Rmag, .32303BritstubHuntsman,24" SS.50calHuntsman 58calHuntsman 12gaHuntsman
NEF RevolversSSModel73.32H&Rmag                     Blued Model73.32H&R mag The herd is shrinking!!
                                 "SOLI DEO GLORIA"