Author Topic: Need help.  (Read 563 times)

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Offline Backwoods7

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Need help.
« on: July 26, 2011, 04:42:52 PM »
Ive hunted deer seripusly ith a rifle&blck powder for going on 12 years now and have killed many deer. But ive only gone bow hunting a few times and not too often. Well i got permission to bow hunt a ladys farm thats overrun by deer.its 5mins from my house and hasnt been hunted in 10years. But she said no huns just bows. So i went out and bought anew martin bow and am getting pretty good. Im planning on useing 100gr muzzy fixed heads as i already have two packs of em. Ok enough om my ramblings i need to buy a stand but dont know what to get. After the bow and the box of carbon express arrows moneys tight. Idk if i need ladder hang on or climber. Any advice? Dont think im dumb but how do you get a hang on up in the tree to chsin it to it? Please any stand advice would help thanks

Offline dxtsniper

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Re: Need help.
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2011, 05:51:48 AM »
You either use strap on ladder sticks or screw in steps which damage the trees and in most places can't be used on public land or where the land owner doesnt want their trees damaged. You may want to look at climbing tree stands if you have straight trees where you live. You strap the stand around the tree and climb up it and then back down when your done hunting. My favorite climbing stand is made by Summit and called the  Viper. There only weigh about 20lbs so you can pack it out when you leave and not have to worry about it getting stolen. They are also great because it much easier to move from one area to another compared to a lock on or a ladder stand. Look up tree stand on you tube, it will give you a good example of how each type works and how to use them. Good luck bud.