Author Topic: Boehner and the GOP want to keep the foreign aid flowing to Pakistan  (Read 507 times)

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Offline sidewinder319

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Nice liberal dodge ball game.  Since 2008 we have given the Pacs 18 Billion.  Obama and his "Band Of Blunders" continue to request 3 billion from the new budget for the Pacs. No one is clean on this one. Why not just tell the real story? :(

Online magooch

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Who knows what the justification might be for giving aid to Pakistan, but I can't think of anything that would make me support it.  At one time I think I heard that our biggest concern was that we wanted to be sure that Pakistan's nukes were secured.  That might be enough in some peoples mind's, but to me that is too much like extortion.

Offline jimster

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What gives me a chuckle is listening to dems and reps spar all the time...they are all one and the same, if the dems and reps traded places/titles nobody would know the difference and the sparring would would be the same...I have to laugh.  The other day on one of these threads someone actually said now Obama will do great politically and the reps will take a plunge and lose...I laughed pretty hard at this, because to me the reps are exactly like the dem/socialist that posted this, he just can't figure it out.  Can't see past the party wall.

One of these days the socialists on the left will realize that the reps holding office are just like them in every way...the realization just may give them a heart attack after all those years of being in the dark and stuck in party mode.  And to think...the left wingers think conservaties are their problem, and there aren't any  :o...the republicans think the lefties are their problem, and their own people are exactly the same in every way. 

The only difference I can find out of all of them, are the people that broke away from both parties and are trying to start their own deal...(tea party?)  and they are hated by both dems and reps.
Anyone wonder why? 

It's pretty funny to listen to all this blather on reps/GOP and dems...I don't know why they don't just join together and get it over with and stop confusing all the ignorant people that are attached to the rep or dem party. 


Online magooch

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I totally disagree with jimster; there are profound differences between Republicans and Dumycrats--maybe not all of them, but if you can't discern the differences, it's probably because you're not paying attention.  Scratch the surface of today's average Dumycrat and you will find at the very least, a socialist--if not a flaming commie.  The average Republican would probably equate to what a Democrat was about four decades ago.

I know I'm not talking about average members here, but just compare Nancy Pilosi with Michele Bachmann.  There is a difference.

Offline sidewinder319

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Jimster do your home work.  The Conservative states Republican states as compared to the Democratic states.  Without going thru all the states lets look at these. California and Illinois are broke, have draconian gun control, liberal pro-crimminal court system etc. Arizona, Indiana,Utah, Wyoming etc. very Red states holding debt down in spite of poor economy. Have fair or some what fair gun control laws and court systems these are Republican states.  The American system is more complex than a few sound bites on the NBC evening news. ;D

Offline lakota

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Boehner and the GOP want to keep the foreign aid flowing to Pakistan

And I am sure we wont hear one peep of oblection over this from the heroic democrats.
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline Pat/Rick

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sidewinder319, shouldn't be much longer and OR and WA will be joining Calif. WA had a pretty good little surplus before our current goobernor was appointed by the courts (1st term). Under the guise of "its for the children" education/social programs, she ate that up during her first term. Now, just our state health dept is 17 billion in the hole.

Offline sidewinder319

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Pat/Rick bad news :'( This old desert rat has enjoyed many  wonderful days off the coast of Washington and Oregon. This has to be some of the most beautiful coastal vistas in the world. The facts are the liberals are escaping their own messes in California. I have seen the same thing in the intermountain west. My bird dog goes out and poops in the yard for me to clean it up.  But he is just unthinking critter. Damn there is a connection here. ;D