I am pleased that Casull asked.."just what part of "tangible" don't you understand ? That way, I didn't have to ask the same question.
Yes, there have been some onthe right who have suggested some infringement of one kind or another, but the outright banners are almost invariably on the left.
Generally speaking, we should remember that politicians are politicians and represent districts.. Since cities are the Democrat/liberal strongholds, the Dem/libs most often reflect city concerns and/or those people who are "bitter Clingers"
toward socialist values. The Republican/conservatives have the rest of the nation as it's constituency and reflect heartland values.
I suggest it is about time we realized we actually have 2 Americas, falling into general categories..with some crossover, of course.
A) We have one group with city values, less concerned with the Christian God, more inclined toward the "beehive" socialist mentality, appreciates big government, rejects Christian world/morals view, looks toward 'big brother' solutions and tends to accept such things as are frowned upon by God.
B) The other group is more in tune with independence, individuality, Christian values and mores, small govt, tends to reject 'big brother' and leans more toward self-sufficency in material things.
The city/country debate is age-old and never seemed to fracture our unity....
The major threat (IMO) is in the cultural divide, with some wanting to cast off the 5,000 year old values, much of which has been proven over the millennias, to work well . The rest of us see them as "throwing the baby out with the bath water" !
BTW; Yellowtail..I liked that picture of "W" preparing to shoot.. Had that been Obama with his experience in shooting, he would have wrapped both hands around the shotgun and looked for a hoop & net to throw it through !
THINK: Bush shoots guns..Obama shots hoops.. In leisure time, Bush & Reagan chopped wood & fixed fence, while Clinton & obama would be more inclined to attend a 'wine & cheese" event ! All quaint examples of the divide I've been speaking of..