Van Jones...Obama's choice for one of his 'czars', an avowed comunist, has a new endeavor in the works. He's pushing for "c ivil rights" for sticks, stones, flowers and trees. If he gets his way, you may be hauled into court for cruelly dropping that innocent rock from your backhoe.. Just another way of trying to cripple free enterprise and capitalism.
Makes one wonder just when some folks will "get it". Just think...the old saying.."no matter how you protest and weep; you'll still be judged by the company you keep'. So look at his associates
A) George Soros..nation killer
B) Van Jones, avowed communist..anti capitalism endorser of a dictatorship by 'elites'.
C) Bill Ayers.. Radical former terrorist bomber, who remains unapologetic, saying he regrets he didn't bomb more.
D) Bernadine Dorn, wife of Bill Ayers, also former terrorist, also unapologetic.
E) Rev "G-- D--- America" Wright, who regularly preached racism, intolerance etc to Obama over a 20 year span. Who held special days in honor of Louis Farrakhan, hate merchant and most prolific Muslim proselytizer in America.
F) Frank Davis, Obama mentor, poet and Communism promoter.
G) Barack Obama sr; Muslim, communist, radical..with an ingrained hatred for the UK and the US and dreamed of the day when both would be brought down...The man our pres says he has adopted the dreams of..remember.."Dreams FROM my Father" ..
H) In his own biography BHO boasted how he purposely hung around with radicals and Muslims and sought out communist professors to learn from.
One simply must wonder just how long his 'sippers' will purposely remain voluntarily blind.