I have 2... a 223 and a 7-08, the stock-flex problem is due to the high weight of the trigger pull, on my 7-08, first time at the range, the crosshairs moved as i was squeezing off, gave up and went home. I checked the trigger weight with a RCBS trigger scale, and it went over the limit of the scale !! After getting the trigger down to a decent pull, it does not flex any more at the weakish wrist of the rifle.. and is very accurate, under MOA. I haven't had time to play with the 223, but expect the same. I did my own trigger job, it involves snipping of the rear trigger spring.. but a person might want to consider having a 'smith' do that work... A long time ago, a old geezer told me ' Ya can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear..' meaning that only fine, expensive rifles shoot good. I have proven him wrong for years... (remington 788.... savage edge/axis... marlin x rifles... mossberg 4x4....tikka's... etc..) I now am playing with a winch m-70, 30-06 cheapo gun, birch stock, blind magazine.. I got it at a flea market for $200 with a usa redfield on it... its ugly, stock dinged up, missing some blueing.. but it shoots Winchester factory 150's (power-max) into 3/4 of a inch all day !! Had to free float it is all... Sorry I got to rambling... Bob