The new Henry RF leverguns are great (I have two) - AND they make a Youth model !
The new Remington/Marlins QC sucks, but older, pre-safety Marlin 39a's are among the most accurate you can hope to lay hands on - the earlier, the better.
In the 1980's Marlin made a .22 Mag version of their CF rifle, the Model 1894M - now a collector's item.
In the late -60's Marlin made a fairly good levergun with one-piece stock, the Model 56/57 Levermatic.
Also in the late -60's, Remington made a Nylon stock/receiver .22 levergun, based on their Nylon 66 auto.
Winchester made both low-quality, econo leverguns (Model 250/255), and the premium Model 9422 in multiple versions, all of which are great hunters/shooters, too.
Browning imports high-quality/accurate Japanese Miroku leverguns in standard and high grades - the BL-22 series, which have a very typical fine Browning high-gloss blus & stock finish.
Until recently, Ruger made excellent quality leverguns with one-piece stocks - the Model 96/22 series.
Mossberg & Noble both once upon a time made low-quality .22 leverguns ( in the 1960's & 70's), too; but Mossberg has recently introduce a higher quality .22 levergun, nothing like their earlier gun.