Hammerdown, I referenced you when I emailed Dutch, and I dropped a money order in the mail this morning.
Thank you for the information, Now I have to remove what is left of the finish and Linseed oil them.
Again Thanks,
Hello Ray
The easiest way to remove that old finish without
hurting the wood or checking is to soak them in
Acetone. It will take awhile to get all of that
old Lacquer finish and gun oil off them, but even if they sit over night in it, it will not
harm the wood or checking. Once you pull them out use a Metal bristle brush to scrub them dipping the brush back into the acetone to flush away the old finish and oil that has soaked into them. Remember to use
rubber gloves while working with Acetone it is not People friendly. I hope this helps Please post a picture of them finished... Hammerdown