Author Topic: Fix bedding issue  (Read 437 times)

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Offline Old Moss

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Fix bedding issue
« on: June 01, 2011, 06:45:58 PM »
 >:( Went and done it again, Ruger Model 77 Hawkeye, bought a Boyds laminate stock, of course needed glass bedding of action, long story short with the bedding job done and it went very well all except it left the rear action screw (trigger guard screw) a little shorter than I would like (about 1/16 of an inch).  So the easiest way would be to slightly drill / counter sink a little deeper - the trigger guard rear hole (plenty of metal to work with) but I do not know of a metal drill Bit that will leave a flat bottom.

The easiest would be to buy a longer screw but I cannot find an exact size and/or a source for a replacement screw.  Folks what would you all do???  I'm afraid of removing any wood from the stock due to the odd shapes of the trigger guard recess area.
Help Please?  Thanks old Moss :'(
Best regards, be safe, and keep your powder dry!
Thanks Old Moss

Offline DonT

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Re: Fix bedding issue
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2011, 06:10:24 AM »
A few thoughts....

Find a local machine shop or hobby machinist and have them increase the depth of the hole using a 2 flute end mill.  They will also have the tooling to make sure you have enough meat there to go deep enough.  Just bring in the trigger guard, talk to the owner (small shops are best) and offer to buy a couple of pizza's for lunch for the guys...

Another thought it look on the Brownells site you can probably find something in their screw selections that will be long enough and similar enough.  Might have to buy a package of 8 or 10 but again not too expensive.  I have even hit on screws I needed for guns at my local hardware store.  Although not exact they have been close enough and the correct thread and pitch.

Finally.. Post the size, Threads per inch and length you need along with head style here.  You might find someone has something in their junk box that will fit the bill and is willing to send it to you for the cost of postage, or less. :D

Just some thoughts from somone who has been there, done that!!!! ::)


Offline gunnut69

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Re: Fix bedding issue
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2011, 06:05:12 PM »
My first thought is what caused the action to tip forward... ?  My response would be to fix the inletting so the action and bottom metal align correctly. With the action so misaligned will the action still feed correctly? Don't know where you ewnt wrong but the problem isn't a too short screw it's a too long of a reach. Fix the bedding to allow the action and bottom metal to align correctly don't just buy a longer screw...If you mu7st deepen the screw head counterbore a correctly sized mill in a drill press will work but a piloted counterbore as available from machine shop supply catalogs is the tool you need.. It can be used in a drill but a drill press is better...
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