I bought a really nice 21st Century longbow from a pawn shop several years ago but never hunted with it as it had a draw weight of 69 lbs; I'm over 60 years old it was just too much for me. Well, today, I was in a different pawn shop and I saw another 21st Century longbow for sale. This one is a 21st Edge Model New Moon with the signatures of Jim Ploen and Buddy Stamper, just like the first bow. The draw weight is marked as 50 lbs, a reasonable weight for me to handle. The riser has tiny turkey tracks stamped on it so maybe it was designed for turkey hunting.
When I asked the price, I couldn't believe it was only $60 plus tax. I quickly bought it, slipped it back in the fleece sleeve and headed home. Do any of you hunt with this particular model and could you tell me anything about Mr. Stamper, Mr. Ploen, or the 21st Century longbow company and the quality of their bows. I have done internet searches but have found very little. Thanks for any replies.