First of all I like 777. Not as dirty as black or Pyro but it does leave fouling they all do so reallly I would stick with what works for you or plan on doing lots of expirementing. What is the twist rate of the Black Diamond? If it is a fast twist you just have to take one conical at a time and shoot starting say with 60 grains of powder and work your way up the scale until you get a decent group of at least 3 shots I would shoot 5 for consistancy. I took the red dot off of my huntsman as it covered too big a area. I now have a peep sight on it and I was getting inch to inch and a half groups at 50 yards using a REAL bullet and 90 grains of 777. Which is about a top load since 777 has more omph than black or pyro or any of the others. What shoots well in my gun may not shoot well in yours they are all different even the ones that are the same brand two will not shoot the same. You will just have to play around and see what shoots the best. 0nce you get the gun grouping you will know if you start using too much powder in your search up the scale as the groups will get bigger again. For fast twist rifles I have a huntman made by NEF 1 in 28 twist and am making a inline out of a discontinued knight 54 cal Green Mountain barrel that was for their switch barrel mod MK 86 system. the other gun I have is a round ball gun. Jim