Some years back I asked my grandson, who was then about 7, " many Hot Wheels cars do you have?". He cocked his head and looked at the ceiling," More than 9", he says.
Im kinda that way with my blades.........
I have no big Kabar or Camillus , never have, and sometimes wish I had a USMC model as a commemoration to my uncle, and namesake, who died in the Pacific going into the tunnels. I do have a Cattaraugus 2250 (or is it a 225Q?), its bigger and heavier (and 'clumby') than the typical 'Kabar' style or the Navy/Pilot's knife, great steel, and should last another 2 or 3 lifetimes.
The couple of Camillus folders I have are very good steel and hold an edge well. From what I have seen of the brand through the years I would never be disappointed in one.