Even the People's Republik of New York doesn't require ID on anything other than handguns. I speak here of NY State..not NY City. WE have some idiot liberals up here on the far end from that city..when they gang up, it's in small groups; not in millions.... as they do in NY City.
However Guys, consider this as an opportunity ! Now is the time for honest gun owners to start writing letters to those newspapers which believe in the first amendment enough to print them. They can go something like this:
" Citizens of Illinois;
Crime is growing in our fair state. Honest citizens are experiencing carefully thought out, well planned home invasions, often being injured, mistreated or even killed during this life-changing experience.
Do you own a gun ? Do you own ammunition ?
If you own neither of these items, the attorney general may be putting you at great risk ! He has indicated a desire to publish the names of those who have guns; which in a strange twist, is also notifying the criminal element as to whom DOES NOT have any immediate home defense.
I think we can agree, this would be valuable information for those who do plan before home invasions ! Although as a gun owner I am somewhat relieved in that it takes some of the pressure of gun owners like myself, I am concerned for those who criminals now KNOW, do not have good home defense. Clearly; this identifies for the criminal element, those who will be at the mercy of this type predator. How much "mercy" can you expect from them ?
Yours, for a secure home in Illinois;
John P. Gunholder