When i got my Encore, it had a black synthetic stock and stainless 308 barrel. Took it to the range and shot it about 20 times and every time i shot it the dang thing wouldnt open. Got to talkin to the guy i got it from and he said maybe it was headspace? Im no gunsmith so i dunno, but i wanted a different caliber anyway.
So i posted a want ad for a 358 win barrel and came up with a 16" example. Then i posted a want ad for a wood stock and a feller pm'd me with a Boyds thumbhole laminate. Then i sold my 35 remington handi rifle to pay for it all along with 150 pcs of new brass, dies, and a couple humdred bullets.
Got everything in, loaded up some rounds and headed to the range. The forend needed a little fitting so i left it off and shot the gun a couple times. It was hard to open too, so off to the gunsmith i go. He said it wasnt the headspacing but it looked loke it had some nrass around the firing pin. No doubt from dragging it open. Also needed him to fit the forend. Well i left it with him saturday. He called tuesday and said it was ready, so fast forward to today...
Grab my hear and head to the range, get setup and shoot a few rounds. Still wanting to stick when opening. More on that in a minute.
Im shooting a blued frame, laminate stock and 16" blued barrel with ports.
Loads i tried that it liked are below (all using winchester brass, cci 200 primers, and 200 gr Hornady spire points):
Im gonna load up 6 more to try saturday. It also shot 4064 decently. Gonna run a few more of those too just to rule them out.
Now for the sticking. I think the hammer pin is sticking out. It has a 38 lb hammer spring. Anyone have trouble like this? The primer actually has drag marks when that happens. Need a harder primer? Softer spring? I mean it is literally work to get the rifle open afyer firing it.