Author Topic: Blackpowder cartridge revolvers  (Read 534 times)

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Offline Flintlock61

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Blackpowder cartridge revolvers
« on: December 03, 2011, 06:19:33 AM »
Does anyone shoot bp cartridge revolvers?  I am considering a 44/40.  Wondering what your experiences and or suggestions might be. Didnt know which forum to ask this in, so thought this was closest to subject.  Thanks!

Offline Cleburne

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Re: Blackpowder cartridge revolvers
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2011, 03:24:30 PM »
Shot .45 Colt black powder loads for several years playing the cowboy action game. Lots of fun. Wouldn't play any other way. Nothing special about loading. I simply filled the cases with powder, either FFg or FFFg, leaving enough room for the projectile, put an over-powder wad made from waxed juice cartons and seated the bullet properly. Make certain you use a soft lube on the projectiles when sizing them. I made my lube with beeswax, Murphy's Oil Soap and genuine Neatsfoot oil. Works well, but there are numerous other recipies that are satisfactory. I've read that .44-40's can be a little trickly to load because of a thin wall. I would think that, taking your time would reduce the chance of crushing the cases. Good luck and good shooting.

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Re: Blackpowder cartridge revolvers
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2011, 03:39:39 PM »
This First Mdl. Smith & Wesson .44 shipped from Smith in 1882. These big DAs are very accurate handguns. I load this with Triple 7 and 255 gr cast bullets.  :)

Offline StrawHat

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Re: Blackpowder cartridge revolvers
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2011, 12:13:48 AM »
I have a couple of cartridge revolvers in which I shoot black powder.  The 45 long Colt is chambered in a Model P.  I load a full case of black powder, and seat a bullet right down on the powder.  From the 7 1/2" barrel, I get close to 1000 fps with a 260 grain bullet.  The other revovler is  44 Colt chambered in the first Richards conversion of the 1860 revolver.  Again, a case full of powder and a properly lubed bullet.  Not sure what velocity I get with the 200 grain bullet.  Both are a lot of fun, the 45 long Colt is one I use for white tailed deer, the 44 COlt mostly for plinking and such.
I don't know how many grains of powder are in either case but enough to touch the bottom of the seated bullet with NO air space.  I loaded them initially with a scoop but have move to using a powder measure.
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Offline Ranch13

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Re: Blackpowder cartridge revolvers
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2011, 03:25:01 AM »
Loading blackpowder in cartridges really isn't any big deal.  Cleburne pretty well described it. You can tweak things a little with varying amounts of powder compression , just be sure to use something other than the bullet to compress with if you're mashing very much powder, other wise the bullet nose may get deformed.
It is helpful to carry a spray bottle with water and simple green mix, to spray the front of the cylinder down and wipe the fouling if if shooting long strings. The fouling will often time cake up on the face of the cylinder and bind the gun up a little, especially in hot weather.
 Don't forget to punch the primers out and clean the cases after you're done shooting.
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