Author Topic: Field Photo - Fun With the Comrades  (Read 797 times)

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Field Photo - Fun With the Comrades
« on: August 03, 2011, 06:16:24 AM »
We met this pair on the road.  They were very friendly - probably scared witless.  One guy put some snuff up his nose - I guess it was snuff - and I think his hands were shaking.  I think these are the one who said they had been promised tractors if they would occupy the conservancy, but so far they hadn't even gotten shovels.  I wish I had stood square between them for the picture, but you can see one guy had his knife out (PH's suggestion) and I guess I was just a bit apprehensive.  I couldn't believe how cool PH stayed, always cheerful and helpful around them, of course what else could he do as his whole life went up in smoke.  We ran into another bunch on the road - shook hands all around - PH thanked me for having the sense to call the white-haired guy sir.  That really went over good.  PH told me that at the big meeting he seemed like the most intelligent of the bunch, trying to find a way to run the conservancy for a profit, but I guess he got outvoted.  He might have actually been a war vet.