BOBG. Your Grandmother grew up being frugal because she had to be. The Amish have a saying that applies quite well even in todays society. WEAR IT OUT, USE IT UP, MAKE DO, OR DO WITHOUT.
Patty and I used to butcher our own hogs. Had no way to scald them so we skinned them. We used mortons sugar cure and put the hams, bacon, and jowls up in the attic, worked quite well and delicious too. I always wanted to try that with a venison ham.
I had a tractor, old dbl lunger John that I took all the cultivator shafts off of but 2, made the rows with it and even used them to cover once, worked fine. WE planted 8 types of dry beans, + green beans of course. After everything was up put the shovels back on and cultivated. Dry beans, after drying, we hulled on the front porch. Afterwards we set up a fan and winnowed the chaff by dropping the beans in front of it, then stored in gal glass jars. We canned over 1200 jars of food several years. Health won't allow us to do garden on that large a scale anymore, I miss it. POWDERMAN.