I happen to think that it's all a mega size shell game. Our paper money, is basically worthless. It's not backed by anything more than the faith of the American people. And, thats disappearing. The way govt. and wall street and big business throws around sums of money, it's like water going over the falls.
Some poor shmuck on the street owes a couple grand on a credit card, hears how some big wig business man or politician blows $50,000 on a one night party, and figures, why the heck should I worry about $2,000 on a credit card. Or, I bought my house for $150,000 4 years ago, and now it's worth $100,000, but I still owe $125,000. What's the use!! Last gun show, a friend of mine sells ammo. Had a youg guy in his late 20's, come up and buy almost $1,000 in ammo. Not that he was complaining, but the ammo dealer asked him why so much ammo. Guy told him, his stockbroker convinced him to take all his money out of the market, and invest in guns and ammo. Wonder if he told him to buy a few month's supply of food? Where did the money go? Doesn't matter, nothing we can do about it anyway! gypsyman