Author Topic: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner  (Read 1264 times)

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Offline jpearson84

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Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« on: December 09, 2012, 02:26:07 PM »
I am currently looking to buy my first handgun, which I will be using for self and home defense, as well as concealed carry.  There are a lot of options out there, but I do know I want a 9mm subcompact.  I have narrowed my decision down to the Glock 26, Springfield XD, and the Ruger SR9c.  I will be shooting each gun very soon to determine my own opinion of how each feels to me, but I wanted some advice from anyone who has had experiences, good or bad, with any or all of these guns.  Thanks in advance for the help.

Offline Spirithawk

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Re: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2012, 05:27:18 PM »
Of those three I wouldn't hesitate to buy the XD! My son is a Certified Executive Bodyguard and in training he put 2,000 rounds through his XD compact 9mm in two days without cleaning. It performed flawlessly! That sold us both on XDs! Second choice would be the Glock. Personaly, I wouldn't even concider the Ruger in the same class as the XD and Glock.

Offline Bigeasy

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Re: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2012, 08:02:41 PM »
Frankly, any of the three should serve you well. 
When carrying, for me, it is usually a Glock 26.  I have owned several Glocks, and all have been about as reliable and simple as a handgun gets.  Accurate as well, thru many tens of thousands of rounds.  Thing to remember with Glocks is, pull the trigger, they go bang.  Period.  So safe gun handling and carrying is a must with these weapons.  Simple really, just don't put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire, and use a good holster that retains its shape, and covers the trigger.
Shot quite a few of the Springfield XD series pistols, though I don't own one.  They have seemed to me to be well made and reliable, just never really warmed to them I guess, as I am so used to my Glocks.  Most models do come with an accessory pack which includes extra magazines, a holster and mag carrier, and a nice hard case.
I have no experience with the Ruger SR series, though I do have a ton of experience with the P series, as it was a common gun in use by several federal law enforcement agencies when I was a firearms instructor at FLETC.  The Rugers in general are well built and reliable.  I have seen more problems with some of the "elite" brands at times.  If there is one weak spot with the Rugers, it seems to be the magazines, at least in the P series, as guys were always stepping on them during training, and bending feed lips, though probably not an issue for most people.
Another gun to consider might be the S&W M&P series autos.  I have one, the 45 acp compact version, and am impressed with the grip feel, as well as over all performance.  Seem to be carrying it more and more.
In the end, what really matters is what feels good in your hand.  Handle each model, and note how they point, their manual of operations, sight picture, and over all feel.  There are really no bad choices in the bunch.
Make sure you know the laws pertaining to self defense in your area, then spend a lot of time at the range putting bullets down range.  A good self defense training course helps a lot with new shooters, and reinforces proper technique and mind set.
Personal opinion is a good thing, and everyone is entitled to one.  The hard part is separating informed opinion from someone who is just blowing hot air....

Offline Savage

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Re: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2012, 12:46:12 AM »
Good advice from Big Easy. Although I own a couple dozen other pistols, the Glocks are the ones I shoot the most. If I had to stay with one platform the rest of my life, I'd choose the Glocks. Reasons: Proven reliability, decent accuracy, excellent durability, and second only to reliability, is the simplicity of design and parts availability. Lots of Glocks in service to salvage parts from in an emergency. Anyone can replace any part in the gun using only a nail or small screwdriver. Anyone can learn to shoot one well if they desire, regardless of how it feels in the hand initially. As an old 1911/Hi Power/CZ guy I've been there!

edit: I should add that I find the ergonomics of the M&P better than any of the polymer service pistols.
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Re: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2012, 01:54:28 AM »
I chose the 19 & 26 Glock myself. They go bang every time no matter what for me. They are very accurate and their lines are better for carrying for me. I also would not even consider the Ruger for the simple reason that it has a manual safety you have to disengage. Those can get you killed in a when it hits the fan situation. If you don't shoot the same gun all the time and very often, a lot of the time you will forget to take the safety off. With my Glocks all you do is pull the trigger. I help teach the handgun carry class in my state and we suggest either a revolver of a Glock or Springfield XD for carry.

Offline jpearson84

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Re: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2012, 01:54:31 AM »
Thanks so much for your advice so far guys.  You all are giving me some really great feedback and food for thought.  The Ruger is more and more becoming an afterthought because the more I think about it the more I realize I don't really want a gun with the manual safety.  My father in law has the XD and is going to let me shoot that soon, so I will be practicing with the Glock 26 as well when I can get my hands on one.  Also, I will give some thought to the S&W M&P series.  I have seen a few people on this forum saying all good things about that firearm.  If anyone has any other thoughts I'm open to any advice and experiences.  Ultimitely I will make my final decision off of how they feel to me, but if I still like both after handling them I would like to know any other important info about the guns that could help me make a decision.  Stuff that is not necessarily on the website.  Finding out about the XD firing so many rounds and still functioning well is definitely a plus, and I like hearing about how reliable the Glock is from so many satisfied users.  Thanks again guys.

Offline Empty Quiver

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Re: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2012, 03:34:48 AM »
If you plan on carrying you need to check out the holster availability of that Ruger. I imagine that Glock is the most widely built for, XD has many holsters built for it but nothing like Glock or 1911 types.
Personally I have a XD in the family, the Mrs. liked the loaded chamber indicator and thought the grip safety was a good idea. Neither meant much to me. The trigger is sorta mushy, Mrs. doesn't know what I'm talking about, but it is easily fixed if you find it bothersome.
The grip angles are different between Glock and XD. Shoot them both and decide which one suits you best.   
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Offline drdougrx

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Re: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2012, 03:48:11 AM »
My vote is for the Ruger.....the manual safety is simply not an issue for me.  All depends on how you train.
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Offline jpearson84

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Re: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2012, 03:59:56 AM »
Thanks again guys, keep the advice coming.  I will keep on the look out for holsters when looking at the guns online since many of them offer suggestions for holsters or holsters that will fit the gun when you search the website.  I've been looking at videos comparing the Glock and the XD, and the biggest difference that people have talked about between the two are feel of the gun in the hand, and the feel of the trigger.  One thing I do like about the XD however is that they do offer the two different sized magazines, up to a 16 round mag I believe,  along with a hard case and the holster, and I believe you only get the 10 round mags for the Glock.  Any thoughts on extras?

Offline FPH

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Re: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2012, 05:11:01 AM »
I think you will find you can use a higher capacity mag. in the Glock if you so desire.  May not fit flush, but you can get the capacity.  I'm not a Glock owner, but I'm sure one of the others knows for certain.

Offline Bigeasy

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Re: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2012, 06:36:57 AM »
Glock makes a factory 12 round mag for the 26 that incorporates a finger rest.  Any 9mm Glock mag will fit in the 26, but as noted by FPH, will hang down below the grip.  I often use the 15 round model 19 mags in my 26 when practicing, though like the 10's for carry, as they fit flush, and minimize the chance of the grip "printing" when carrying.
Personal opinion is a good thing, and everyone is entitled to one.  The hard part is separating informed opinion from someone who is just blowing hot air....

Offline Empty Quiver

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Re: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2012, 06:49:04 AM »
To the XD "Kit" My gun rarely resides in the case, a holster, security box, dresser, just about anywhere but the case. The holster is Okay as long as you don't intend to daily carry with it, fine for range use or dinking around outdoors. You don't want a paddle holster for daily carry. I like my own cleaning tools. The mag loader is fine too the last couple rounds go in pretty tightly. All things considered I don't use anything that came as an accesory, but thats me.
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Offline jpearson84

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Re: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2012, 02:01:03 PM »
I appreciate that advice FPH, Big Easy, and Empty Quiver.  I think the final decision will come down to shooting each gun and the feel in my hand.  The advice about the accessories was helpful because that was one big thing drawing me toward the XD.  I can personally get the Glock for around $150 cheaper than the XD, so that would definitely allow me some extra cash to buy accessories I find if I decide on the Glock.  My father in law recommended this forum to me to get some advice, and I must say I am quite impressed and very grateful for all the excellent advice and tips everyone has given me.

Offline Ranger99

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Re: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2012, 02:04:58 PM »
if you check around in your area,
there is more than likely a gun range
or training facility that rents guns.
if you're unsure of what you want,
there's no substitute for live firing
of a firearm to get a feel for it.

good luck with your choice.
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Offline dougk

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Re: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2012, 05:44:16 PM »
I am currently looking to buy my first handgun, which I will be using for self and home defense, as well as concealed carry.  There are a lot of options out there, but I do know I want a 9mm subcompact.  I have narrowed my decision down to the Glock 26, Springfield XD, and the Ruger SR9c.  I will be shooting each gun very soon to determine my own opinion of how each feels to me, but I wanted some advice from anyone who has had experiences, good or bad, with any or all of these guns.  Thanks in advance for the help.

You have a very interesting set of requirements.  To me if your going to be primarily carrying you should think about a single stack magazine which will allow deeper carry.  A p239 in 9mm comes to mind as an option.  What ever gun you go with make sure it supports your carry requirements and your comfortable with its operation.

Offline williamlayton

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Re: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2012, 02:48:38 AM »
Honestly, carrying a Glock, or its ilk, is simply carrying a DA revolver.
Now I don't like the ergonomics of the Glock.
If you do--get it for your first gun---it may be your last, BUT, I doubt it.

Offline jpearson84

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Re: Advice for First Time Handgun and CCW owner
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2012, 03:23:51 AM »
Thanks again guys.  I will check out all of your suggestions.  Renting the guns I am thinking of and that everyone else has suggested is a great idea.  I will do some research to find the closest range that fits my requirements.  My decision should be made before Christmas, so either way I will get on and let you guys know what option I chose and why.  Thanks again.