Author Topic: Heartless or Realist???  (Read 426 times)

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Offline Heather

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Heartless or Realist???
« on: August 30, 2011, 08:48:25 AM »
People have been attracted to beach front property and businesses for as long as I can remember.  Having a business along the coast can be very profitable. The main drawback for a beach front business would be the risk of storms, high tides, hurricanes, and tsunamis.  Insurance companies do not and SHOULD NOT insure these businesses, or if they do it should be at a VERY HIGH rate. Insurance SHOULD be based on risk. The higher the risk, the higher the rates. The problem we run into as tax payers, is that FEMA and other Government agencies spend our tax dollars to reward these businesses for risky behavior.

People should be responsible for themselves. People should insure themselves and their property. Can't get insurance...then you are in a high risk area and should move or save enough money to cover a total loss from a natural disaster. You can't tell me that beach front businesses doesn't make enough profit to cover a huge loss once every few years. Yes it would cut into cash flow, but a smart business who isn't expecting the Government to bail them out when ever it rains a few inches too many can plan and save for a total loss.

Call me heartless, but I think that rebuilding in Louisiana with Federal tax money was WRONG. I believe those without insurance should have suffered the loss to reinforce that people should be responsible for themselves. I also don't think that Federal money should go to help the Tornado victims of Alabama and Missouri. Yes, I understand that whole cities were wiped out, remember I live right between two communities that got hit, one of which is no longer here. I also understand that our East coast was just slammed by Irene and now we don't have the money to go around.

OH WELL, people need to ban together and help one another beginning at the family level, then the community, and then the state because it is the right thing to do and not because it is Federally mandated. If people choose not to help each other, then they should suffer the consequences of their quality of life being drastically different. Survival of the fittest and all.  The Federal Government should NOT be involved at all!!!  Our government and our people are broke!!! It is time that we start living within our means and making people be responsible for themselves and their own property!
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Re: Heartless or Realist???
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2011, 09:19:40 AM »
I agree with you for the most part.  Seems stupid to live in an area (like say parts of California) which is highly subject to brush fire, drought, mud slides, earthquakes and who knows what else.  Of course folks live there and pay their insurance and expect for the rest of the insured folks nationwide to pay for the rest of their reconstruction after a disaster.  Tornadoes are the one natural disaster that just can't be planned for as far as the "where" to live to avoid them.  There are ways to mitigate or avoid damage from tornadoes for the most part but then again you can't avoid everything, everytime, always.  Hurricanes are much easier to avoid.  Don't live on the coast.  Now, I know a whole bunch of folks like to live at the beach and 99.99% of the time that's great and nice and pretty and peaceful.  But then the hurricane hits and I'm getting my insurance rates raised to pay for their lifestyle.  I think that if a person wants to ride a motorcycle without a helmet, then any head injuries should not be covered under insurance and that person should waive treatment.  I don't want to pay for their stupid decisions.  If a person decides to build a beach house and then gets wiped out, then insurance shouldn't cover that and the person should have to specifically waive insurance or public aid to allow them to rebuild.  Why should I have to pay for their stupidity?  Basically, people make stupid decisions about where to live and what to do and then expect other people to pay for their personal desires.  Wouldn't it be smarter to make them pay for their own stupidity instead of the rest of paying for it through our insurance premiums.  I mean FACE it, we are screwed by the insurance companies.  Due to being LEGALLY OBLIGATED to carry insurance on our mortaged homes and vehicles and DUE to natural disasters 1500 miles away, now OUR insurance rates will be raised to pay for the losses incurred due to people continuing to build and live in hurricane danger zones.
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Re: Heartless or Realist???
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2011, 01:50:38 PM »
+ 1 Heather. ear
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Offline powderman

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Re: Heartless or Realist???
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2011, 02:04:04 PM »
Rebuilding new orleans was a terrible waste of money. Anybody living in a bowl below sea level and below lake level deserves what they get. We went to Charleston years ago. Beautiful beach houses. A couple of locals said that hurricanes tear em down and the feds rebuild again and again, STUPID. I would rather see federal money help tornado victims than to feed and clothe millions of people with lazybuttitis and illegal criminals. POWDERMAN.  ;D ;D
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Re: Heartless or Realist???
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2011, 02:26:54 PM »
I agree with you 100% Heather.
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Offline Empty Quiver

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Re: Heartless or Realist???
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2011, 08:04:52 PM »
I'm not one for goverment intrusion in general. But, I could be convinced about condemning land near coastal areas. Uncle gets you outta the water when you sign over the deed. Otherwise you pay for private insurance. Absolutely no federal insurance policy. If you have business in that part of the country it will have to be a lucritive business to justify the inherant costs.
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