Author Topic: CZ 452 Varmint in .22 magnum - accuracy info please  (Read 2537 times)

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Offline mannyrock

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CZ 452 Varmint in .22 magnum - accuracy info please
« on: October 04, 2011, 06:14:12 AM »
    I am considering one of these rifles, but would greatly appreaciate hearing reports and experience with factory ammo, at the 100 yard distance.
    I understand that the trigger feels really terrible, but that it is adjustable.
Thanks for all replies.

Offline Victor3

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Re: CZ 452 Varmint in .22 magnum - accuracy info please
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2011, 03:21:15 AM »
 Factory rimfire ammo?  ;D
 I have the 452 Varmint in 17 HMR so can't comment on the .22 mag. Many posts on RFC indicate that the 452 in that chambering is (on average) at least as good or more accurate compared to other brands. Generally speaking, .22 mag is the least accurate rimfire round (out of the common four).
 My Varmint had a great trigger out of the box but it's the luck of the draw with these things. They're somewhat adjustable for weight but creep has to be dealt with via an inexpensive trigger kit or stoning of the trigger/sear interface.
 Overall, the materials, fit & finish of 452's (I have four) is excellent.
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Re: CZ 452 Varmint in .22 magnum - accuracy info please
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2011, 05:28:12 AM »
I agree with Victor, the .22 mag is not on a par with the other rimfires from an accuracy standpoint, the most accurate one I owned was a Savage Model 24 over/under in 20 Guage and .22 Mag.   It must be the ammo for the same model gun in .22 LR will always be more accurate from my experience..
If you figure out how to reload rimfire spent cases let me know, I'm always looking for a challenge, maybe its possible to improve on the accuracy of the factory .22 mag rounds.
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Re: CZ 452 Varmint in .22 magnum - accuracy info please
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2011, 05:10:27 AM »
 :) manny, I have had  3 .22mag. rimfires and one .17...the .17 was accurate, but too much of a pain to clean for me..only one of the 22mags. shot well...a year ago, I bought a CZ .22 mag. with a sporter barrel at a yard is very accurate..I have shot quite a bunch of varmits with it, and stock piled quite a bunch of ammo...every thing seems accurate enough for shooting to say onehundred yards...I really like this little rifle..aside from big game season, it usually is one of the guns I put in the truck for my daily outings...If you could, I would look around at the used gun market, and see if you could test fire a used would quickly show the accuracy ...but this CZ has been a good one....

Offline mattmillerrx

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Re: CZ 452 Varmint in .22 magnum - accuracy info please
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2011, 05:45:40 PM »
I have two 452's one in 22lr and one in 22 mag.  I use the 22lr for matches and the 22 mag for hunting.  The 22lr had an good trigger out of the box, but I found it had a little to much creep for off hand shooting and got a trigger kit to take the creep out and lighten it up...I may have lightened it before getting the kit with the adjustments within the trigger.  After getting the kit (yo-dave) I got the creep out and lighten the trigger up to about 2 lbs.  I found this to light for off hand shooting and but the factor spring back in which is a 3lb trigger pull.

The mag I have thought about doing the same thing to but the 3.5 lb pull is good for me in a hunting rifle and the creep is not noticeable on this one, but I am not doing precision target work with it either.  Anyway point is you will not be unsatisfied with the trigger out of the box.  If you want to make it 'perfect', it is easily done with the yo dave kit or an adjustable sear or both for about 60 bucks or you can get an aftermarket trigger for a little over a 100.

I have shot about 10 different brands/types of ammo in the mag and all groups (5 shot) were an inch or under and the best was with Hornaday V-max at just under a half inch.  These were all shot at 75 yards, our long range has been under closed for one reason or another for most of last year when I did the testing.

The 22 lr is very accurate.  I have shot bench rest groups under a half inch at 50 yards (5 shot).  The off hand match I shoot in is at 75, 50, and 25 yards against all other makes and models, I usually place in the top 3 or 4 shooter and am the only open sight shooter.

Personally, I am not a fan of the Varmint.  I would prefer the lighter American over the Varmint.  I have the Lux and find it to be a very nice stock for open sight shooting and hunting.

My understanding is the 452 is being phased out for the new 455 which has an interchangeable barrel system, so get one quickly if you are set on the 452.

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Re: CZ 452 Varmint in .22 magnum - accuracy info please
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2011, 07:21:05 PM »
Yew guys need to change brands of gun and/or ammo if your .22s aren't accurate.

When I was still a boy I got a Marlin which I should have kept but has been gone at least 40+ years. I then bought a Marlin 882 which easily kept five in an inch at 100 yards using Winchester's original 40 JHP. My current Marlin 982 seems to do about the same tho I've not really shot it that much.

I've noticed the same thing from Ruger Single Sixes the magums shoot as well as the .22 LR in all I've owned or had personal knowledge of. There ain't no dust on the .22 Magnum and ya just gotta find out what yours likes.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline mattmillerrx

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Re: CZ 452 Varmint in .22 magnum - accuracy info please
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2011, 05:30:10 PM »
Well said GB.  The guy at the shop tried to talk me into a 17 when I ordered the 22 mag.  I more or less told him the same thing...that the 22 mag would be more than accurate for my needs.  It has proved to be one of the most accurate guns I own .  Mine likes all the ammo I have tried just fine...some better than other.