Author Topic: 50 Caliber...2F or 3F for target shooting?  (Read 1135 times)

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Offline Forestclimber

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50 Caliber...2F or 3F for target shooting?
« on: October 11, 2011, 05:16:51 AM »
I have a 50 caliber, percussion rifle that shoots roundballs.  I know that 2F is recommended for this caliber, but I want to know what you shoot out of yours for target shooting. 2F or 3F?   I never shoot heavy loads out of this rifle.

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Re: 50 Caliber...2F or 3F for target shooting?
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 05:30:40 AM »
I shot 40 grs of 3f for target work and 80 for hunting in my 50. The rifle got along better with 3f than 2. My 54 flinter thrived on 2f and wasn't adverse to 1f.
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Re: 50 Caliber...2F or 3F for target shooting?
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2011, 08:51:55 AM »
I used to play the different powders for different caliber/uses game, but settled on 3F for all my ML's up to 54 caliber.   For the primitive matches, I shot very reduced loads in whatever firearm was being used, usually way less than half of its hunting load and even much lower sometimes even in a 54.   Doesn't take much to punch a hole in paper or ring a target, reduced loads are plenty accurate to do either and a little practice tells you where to hold for the loads. 
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Offline Rock Home Isle

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Re: 50 Caliber...2F or 3F for target shooting?
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2011, 10:49:47 AM »
I have 3 percussion .50 calibres that I have had for many years; one is a CVA Mountain Rifle, another is a Pedersoli Alamo Rifle and the final is a Pedersoli Blue Ridge that I picked up from Cabelas. I love the .50 calibre...I've found it to be one of the most versitile of the muzzleloading calibres. I've taken everthing from squirrels, rabbits and priarie dogs to deer and elk using a .50 calibre.
Most of my shooting is with 3fg in the .50 calibre. My reasons are simple; there is less fouling of the bore using 3fg; & for target shooting and small game hunting 3fg lets me shoot all day with little cleaning and swabbing out of the bore. Infact if my patches are well lubed with moose milk, it is seldom that I have to swabb between shots, unless there is high humidity. I've also not noticed any loss or appreciable gain in accuracy between 2fg or I stock up on 3fg and use this powder for most all my shooting with any of my rifles.
For big game hunting in a .50, .54 or even a .58 calibre; I will use 2fg for my hunting load...2fg is a slower burning powder than 3fg. The resulting recoil using 2fg and a 95 grain charge under a conical bullet or a 110 grain hunting charge pushing a roundy, is definately tamed down a bit. The recoil is more of a solid push than the sharp crack of 3fg. And the increased fouling that I get with 2fg powder and these big charges isn't a concern until I get to about 6 or 8 shots before I need to swab the bore. If things go my way, I'm going to be shooting only a shot or two at most to complete the hunt.
When shooting one of my smoothbores...I always use 2fg. I've found that a charge of 2fg driving an once or more of shot maintains a better shot pattern in my loads and when shooting those large pumpkin sized lead roundies...the lower pressures again give a nicer recoil and don't rattle my bones as much.  8)
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Offline Forestclimber

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Re: 50 Caliber...2F or 3F for target shooting?
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2011, 03:11:00 PM »
I'm with Rock Home Isle on this.  I shoot 3F for all target shooting and 2F in my 58 hunting rifle for less recoil.

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Re: 50 Caliber...2F or 3F for target shooting?
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2011, 03:14:11 PM »
I used to shoot FF in my .54 because in the '70s we were told that's what should be done...This was an old wive's tale from the earlier 1900s...I now use FFF for both my .40 and .54 as well as my priming powder...

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Re: 50 Caliber...2F or 3F for target shooting?
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2011, 04:16:39 PM »
I use 3F in all of mine.  .45, .50, .58 Big Bore, and .59 Smooth Bore.  It shoots cleaner, so I only swab after the 5th or 6th shot.  I shoot 60 gr. at targets from 25 to 50 yards.  I use 75 gr for hunting load.  I prob could get by with bout 50 gr. at the targets, but 60 gr is real flat shootin at 50 yards and is accurate.  The only 2F I have used is Elephant and it is real nasty.  I keep it in the back and it is for emergency use only.  ymmv. 
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Offline keith44

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Re: 50 Caliber...2F or 3F for target shooting?
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2011, 07:00:33 PM »
each gun is a law unto itself
I forget where I first heard that phrase, but I have found it holds much truth.  Try each in yours, at various volumes.  I'll put money on 45 - 60 grains of 3F being the best for paper punching, and if you want to hunt with it, something like 80 - 95 grains of 2F being nearly as accurate.
As a point of intrest according to my Lyman Black Powder Handbook & Loading Manual (2nd edition)  50 gr load of Goex 3F under a PRB generates 9,100 psi, 90 gr load of 2F Goex under a PRB generates 9,200 psi.  Fire both out of a 32" barrel  and the 2F load yields 1,768 fps, the 3F load 1,481 fps (at least out of their test gun.) 
This should be viewed as a reference only, do not expect your rifle to give the exact same results, but it should be close with the pressure levels.
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Offline Ron T.

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Re: 50 Caliber...2F or 3F for target shooting?
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2011, 05:38:17 AM »
I have a 50 caliber, percussion rifle that shoots roundballs.  I know that 2F is recommended for this caliber, but I want to know what you shoot out of yours for target shooting. 2F or 3F?   I never shoot heavy loads out of this rifle.


It seems to me that while FFg was once "THE" recommended powder for .50 caliber rifles, that has changed. 

Now, a great many .50 caliber shooters successfully use FFFg rather the FFg in their rifles with excellent results.  Equal amounts of FFFg (vs. FFg) results in higher muzzle velocities, less dirty bores and often greater accuracy.  I.E., changing to FFFg is a "win/win" situation for most ML shooters.

I own and shoot roundballs in 3 different .50 caliber BP rifles, 2 percussion cap Hawkens (a lighter one for hunting, a heavier one for target shooting) and one flinter long rifle... and use FFFg Swiss in all three rifles with excellent results.

At least, this is my "take" on this controversy.   ;)

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Ron T.
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