Author Topic: Need advice on getting started  (Read 364 times)

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Offline Gdbyrd

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Need advice on getting started
« on: September 21, 2011, 12:01:16 PM »
Ever since I read my first article about mauser conversion rifles, I've wanted to make my own custom rifle from home.  I own quite a few firearms, some of them have had professional work done, most of them are stock.  I've had my hands in a lot of 10/22s and I've built a few AR15 lowers, but that's about the extent of my gun knowledge.

Where's a good starting place if I want to eventually build my own paper/play gun?  I read the Gunsmithing Made Easy book I got on sale when my local gunstore closed down a few years ago, lol.  So that should already put me in the Gunsmithing Made for the Intermediate right?  :)

Offline gunnut69

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Re: Need advice on getting started
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2011, 09:24:45 PM »
The simplest way to start is to rstock an existing rifle. A used modern rifle is purchased and restocked with the custom touches and  you learn the necessary skills..inletting, metal prep work, shaping a stock, fitting a pad, a grip cap,,even checkering.. It requires little in the way of tooling and expence and provides the maximum learning for the money invested..
The 2nd amendment to the constitution of the United States of America-
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."