The action spring in my model 97 broke a few weeks back. I called F/A and they sent me a replacement because I said I could get it installed locally. Well, no one locally wanted to touch it, no real 'smiths in my area, so I figured I would give it a try. Well I managed to crush the hand spring when I was putting the gun back together. So it sat for a couple more weeks in my basement while I tended to my wounded ego. Finally I could take no more, and I sent it off to Wyoming with my credit card info and a sheepish letter explaining what I did.
It showed up at my FFL dealer today, just 11 days after I sent it in with an invoice that read 'no charge'. My only expense was shipping & insurance one way. By happy coincidence my new undercut front sight blade from Ken O'Neill showed up today as well, thank you Ken, just what I wanted.
I guess the old adage is true, you only have to pay for quality once.
Thank you Freedom Arms.