My wife had been watching the LIFETIME channel on weekend mornings. Sky would come downstairs and lye on the sofa and listen to the TV. Soon he was asking his Mom why she was watching that TV channel. "All they do on that channel is make men out to be monsters". "Women are being victomized by men, beaten, rapped, abused, cheated on, that's all it is on that channel". "Stop watching it, Please". Well every Saturday morning there it was, when he came down stairs. His Mother's attitude was becoming more and more cynical towards men as well. Three weeks ago Sky reprogrammed the TV remote. Using parental controls he blocked that station. Now as far as the TV and Remote goes that station does not exist. His Mom does not have a clue when it comes to programming TVs or Remotes. She is now complaining she can not find her station. We tell her the TV provider must have dropped that channel.
I'm backing him 100%. She was getting a little hard to get along with there for a while. Now she is mellowing back out. Now on Saturday mornings when she starts looking for that channel, and complains when she can not find it, I just smile and continue reading my book. She soon gives up, turns off the TV and goes and fixes breakfast. No more standing in front of the TV totally mesmorized in a scene while the bacon burns.