Author Topic: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.  (Read 594 times)

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Offline ironglow

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The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« on: September 23, 2011, 12:02:28 AM »
    GBO Members..just FYI (assuming you may want to expand your knowledge), The Tea Party has nothing to do with any person's race, creed, color etc.  The Tea Party is for the constitution, smaller govt, less intrusive govt, less govt spending ..and less taxes, which would be a natural result of greatly reduced spending.  Simple logic!
   (Moderator note; I have deleted parts where donations were requested, can send you complete if requested)

      For those who have been sucked in by the accusations of "racism" hurled at the Tea Party, here's a sample of the E-mails and participants in the "racist" Tea Party;
Dear Patriot, is forwarding this special message to you from our sponsor, Vernon Robinson for Congress. Sponsorships like this help us preserve liberty and freedom in the United States of America. All personal information of subscribers is kept in strictest confidence and never shared with sponsors. We appreciate your

Dear Fellow Conservative:I happen to be a black man, but the only thing I have in common with Barack Obama is a good tan! If you share my belief that that socialist and his Democrat allies in Congress are destroying America, please read every word below.While Obama was smoking marijuana and snorting cocaine, I was earning badges to become an Eagle Scout. While Obama was being mentored by Communist Party Member Frank Davis, I was taught to love God and country by my parents. While Obama was consorting with Marxist professors, Black Panthers, trial lawyers, union bosses, hippie peaceniks, anti-Christian atheists, militant homosexual agitators, radical pro-abortion feminists, gun grabbers, amnesty zealots, Chi-Com sympathizers, globalists who worship at the altar of the UN, and environmentalist wackos, I was earning my bachelor's degree alongside my fellow cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy.While Obama was hanging out with terrorists such as Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers (who bombed the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon), I was serving my country as a Missile Combat Crew Commander and Intelligence Officer. While Obama was attending "Socialist conferences" at Cooper Union, I was reading Milton Friedman, watching William F. Buckley, Jr., and attending the 1980 Republican National Convention that nominated Ronald Reagan. While Obama was learning his redistribution-based economics theory from law professors at Harvard, I was earning my MBA and learning the virtues of free market principles and pro-growth policies. While Obama was following in the footsteps of Saul Alinsky to become a Chicago-based community organizer,I was working as a business professor and serving in the first Bush Administration.While Obama was saying Amen to the loony, vile, anti-America, anti-Whitey, anti-Semitic, pro-reparations, black liberation theology spewed by the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, I was worshipping at a church that preaches the Gospel and erecting a Ten Commandments monument on municipal property (to the dismay of the government bureaucrats and high priests of political correctness who insist that God must be ejected from the public square). While Obama was supporting the NAACP, the ACLU, the NEA, and ACORN,I was filing the successful lawsuit against the University of North Carolina that put an end to its practice of electing trustees according to strict racial and gender quotas and providing blacks-only scholarships at taxpayer expense.
The most dangerous special interest in Washington is BIG government and Barack Obama is its chief lobbyist.I am running for Congress in North Carolina's newly redrawn 8th District because we cannot shrink big government and grow the economy unless we replace the Democrats in Washington with stalwart constitutional conservativesAs you may know, Republicans are expected to lose TEN congressional seats in California and Illinois alone as a result of the Democrats' extraordinary gerrymandering of those states' congressional district maps. In order to prevent Nancy Pelosi from becoming Speaker again, Republicans must pick up four Democrat seats in North Carolina. Because North Carolina Republicans controlled the redistricting pencil for the first time since the 19th century, four incumbent Democrat Congressmen now find themselves drawn into Republican districts.To appreciate how conservative my district has become, consider this. In the old 8th District, Obama won with 52% of the vote. In the new 8th District, Obama lost with 42% of the vote. That ten point improvement (i.e., Obama losing by fifteen points instead of winning by five points) is especially good news for me because my opponent -- Democrat Larry Kissell has been a rubber stamp for Obama's socialist agenda.For example, job-killing Kissell voted FOR higher taxes, the $825 billion stimulus, raising the debt ceiling by $1.9 trillion, taxpayer financed abortion on demand, and special rights for homosexuals. He co-sponsored Card-Check And he voted AGAINST Cut, Cap and Balance, the bill to repeal Obamacare, the bill to allow us to buy light bulbs of our choosing, school choice vouchers for inner-city children, and the bills to defund ACORN, Planned Parenthood, and National Public Radio.Not every Republican who claims to be a constitutional conservative will stand up and be counted when the kitchen gets hot. You know I will, because I already have during my eight-year stint as a councilman. Unlike squishy RINOs, I will never become a tax collector for the welfare state. I will never become an enabler of Obama's fiscal child abuse by joining those Republicans who aid and abet the Democrats' burglary of our grandchildren's piggybanks.For example, I opposed Obama's debt hike tax trap. Washington Republicans caved when they gave Obama a $2.4 trillion dollar increase in the debt ceiling, the largest increase in the debt limit in U.S. history. That agreement guarantees that Republicans will ultimately be put to a choice between raising taxes and cutting defense spending in a time of war.Instead of cutting up Uncle Sam's maxed-out credit card, the Republican congressional leadership agreed to add more than $7,000,000,000,000 (seven trillion dollars) to the debt over the next 10 years! Those Republicans didn't compromise; they capitulated.I applaud the 66 GOP Congressmen and 19 GOP Senators who had the courage to vote no and stood by the "Cut, Cap and Balance" pledge I have signed.If you haven't heard of me before, you are probably familiar with folks I have supported or who have supported me. As an employee or consultant, I have helped meet strategic challenges for numerous candidates, corporations, and causes including George H.W. Bush, Dan Quayle, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Joe Arpaio, Sharron Angle, Pat McCrory, N.C. Education Reform Foundation, Civitas Institute, and John Locke Foundation.In my previous campaigns, I was humbled to have the support of: Richard Petty, Richard Burr, Elizabeth Dole, Lauch Faircloth, Robin Hayes, Howard Coble, Virginia Foxx, Pete Sessions, Tom Tancredo, Bob Barr, Dick Armey, Pete DuPont, Jack Kemp, Bill Bennett, Jeb Bush, Pat Buchanan, Alan Keyes, Gary Bauer, Right-to-Life, NRA, Gun Owners of America, Citizens Cmte for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Police Benevolent Ass'n, Int'l Association of Fire Fighters, Immigration Reform PAC, English Language PAC, Republican Liberty Caucus, National Republican Congressional Committee, and Club for Growth.I earned the confidence of both the voters and national conservative leaders by proving that I am willing to stand up for my traditional American conservative principles -- no matter what the political cost, and no matter what the liberal media say about me. MSNBC's Keith Olbermann dubbed me the "Worst Person in the World" runner-up and the radical People For the American Way (PFAW) group put me at the top its "Right Wing Watch" target list.I am ready for the fight, my friend, but I cannot win it without your help.I do not come from money. My father was a Tuskegee Airman, my mother was a nurse, and I have devoted much of my life to public service. I have no quarrel with those whose entrepreneurial pursuits have netted them tremendous financial rewards -- even speculators like George Soros, I am just not one of them.I hate asking for contributions, but I've been around elections long enough to have learned this simple truth: if I do not ask you for money, a liberal Democrat will have this seat in Congress next year. I have to rely on the contributions and prayers of thousands of likeminded Americans like you, in the hope that you care enough about the values we share to contribute to the effort.
Will you send me a contribution today so that we can defeat Larry Kissell?I have to begin raising and spending money now because my opponent already enjoys the residual benefit that comes from three years of incumbency. I cannot wait until next year because Kissell's campaign has spent several million dollars on staff, TV ads, radio ads, signs, and mailers, his allies in the liberal media have made a six-figure in-kind donation in the form of gushing coverage, and the unions and sundry left-wing special interest groups have spent several million dollars in independent expenditures on his behalf.

                                                   Rest assured my new crop of TV ads will be as effective and attention getting as the ads in my previous campaign for Congress. Rush Limbaugh said: "You've gotta hear this campaign commercial ... one of the best political ads in a long, long time just a great, great ad." MSNBC's Chris Matthews said: "This is an amazing ad. ... I mean, I've never seen ads this tough. it's strong, it makes fun of the other side viciously. I'm going to remember this ad." One left-wing blogger wrote, "My head just exploded!" Another wrote, "It's worse than the Swift Boat and Willie Horton ads combined."

                                                   Indeed, Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition and Al Sharpton's National Action Network both demanded I take down one of my TV ads. Speaking of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, I have even less in common with those clowns than Obama. While Sharpton was defaming law enforcement officers by falsely claiming they had raped Tawana Brawley in an alley, I was working on the Winston-Salem City Council to get pay raises for our policemen. And while Jesse Jackson was shaking down companies for donations so he could pay hush money to his concubine for their love child, I was serving my country, earning an honest living, and working with my wife of 28 years, Helene, to raise our three children.

                                                   I don't head for the high grass when the Left turns up the heat. That's just not my style. I put my trust in God, not my finger to the wind, and my record proves it. I want to put a burr in Barrack Obama's saddle. I want to put a bee in Nancy Pelosi's bonnet. I want to give Barney Frank a Maalox Moment. And I want to embolden Republican Congressmen to buck up instead of buckling. is forwarding this message to you from one of our sponsors.  Sponsorship does not imply any endorsement of the products or services referenced herein by our organization or imply any exclusive arrangement with  All personal information of subscribers is kept in strictest confidence and never shared with sponsors.

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If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline yellowtail3

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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2011, 04:23:41 AM »
He sounds like a dingbat politician. Well... at least he won't be worried about Negresses and too many Negroes in his county! And it's always fun to put Our black guy up against Their black guy.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline Junior1942

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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2011, 04:47:13 AM »
He sounds like a dingbat politician. Well... at least he won't be worried about Negresses and too many Negroes in his county! And it's always fun to put Our black guy up against Their black guy.
Nope, he's no dingbat at all.  Re: the moderator-deleted donation link.  The guy's collecting money hand over fist thanks to people like ironglow all over the Internet.

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2011, 05:38:09 AM »
He sounds like a dingbat politician. Well... at least he won't be worried about Negresses and too many Negroes in his county! And it's always fun to put Our black guy up against Their black guy.
Nope, he's no dingbat at all.  Re: the moderator-deleted donation link.  The guy's collecting money hand over fist thanks to people like ironglow all over the Internet.
junior, how about describing people "like Ironglow"
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Offline yellowtail3

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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2011, 05:41:12 AM »
Nope, he's no dingbat at all.  Re: the moderator-deleted donation link.  The guy's collecting money hand over fist thanks to people like ironglow all over the Internet.
junior, how about describing people "like Ironglow"

Oh, I bet I know! Maybe they are those who are trumpeting Vernon's candidacy? Incidentally... Vernon is a local boy, right here in NC... he's a very experienced at being a candidate, and is a very experienced loser.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline crustylicious

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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2011, 05:58:58 AM »
No misinformation here!
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so sure of themselves, and the wiser people so full of doubts." Bertrand Russell
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Offline TNBilly

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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2011, 07:12:16 AM »
amazing no one had anything to contribute specifically on even one issue.  Just quick-slap retarded ad-hominum attacks.  All too common the last few years.
America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”        Alexis de Tocqueville

Offline powderman

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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2011, 08:03:56 AM »
amazing no one had anything to contribute specifically on even one issue.  Just quick-slap retarded ad-hominum attacks.  All too common the last few years.

Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Offline lakota

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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2011, 11:08:32 AM »
the resident race baiters rear their ugly heads and contribute absolutely ZERO per usual.
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline Junior1942

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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2011, 11:10:29 AM »
He sounds like a dingbat politician. Well... at least he won't be worried about Negresses and too many Negroes in his county! And it's always fun to put Our black guy up against Their black guy.
Nope, he's no dingbat at all.  Re: the moderator-deleted donation link.  The guy's collecting money hand over fist thanks to people like ironglow all over the Internet.
junior, how about describing people "like Ironglow"
Gladly.  "The guy's collecting money hand over fist thanks to people like ironglow [and BUGEYE] all over the Internet."

Offline lakota

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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2011, 11:32:38 AM »
You all need to diversify your race baiting tactics.
Since you all cant denigrate this politician by decrying him as a racist why dont you add the term "Uncle Tom" to your vocabulary? Then you can start squealing about how black conservatives are uncle toms.
Uncle Tom-
Uncle Tom is a derogatory term for a person who perceives themselves to be of low status, and is excessively subservient to perceived authority figures; particularly a black person who behaves in a subservient manner to white people.
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline lakota

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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2011, 11:45:25 AM »
One more thing: We have this guy collecting money hand over fist all over the internet because of people like Junior1942:

Would you care to explain what the difference is between a black socialist and a black conservative collecting money on the internet? Are only socialist/liberals allowed to engage in fund raising?
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline jimster

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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2011, 11:50:45 AM »
Race baiting is all they have, they got nothing.  They had their control,  the house and senate and White House, they crashed it all with their ramping up government growth and foolish spending and borrowing and pathetic cry for more tax money.  Matter of fact the whole world is pretty much crashing due to this socialist Marxist ideology.
They created the tea party with their government growth and an assult on the private sector.  Strange bunch of people who keeps wanting to try the same crap over and over while watching America bleed. 
And yet today no matter where you go, even on this outdoor site, they still try to twist their failures around and point at us...after they wrote it, bought the votes to pass it, and then signed's still somehow the conservatives fault, who had maybe two people in congress to qualify as even being Conservative.  LOL!   
Ya gotta laugh at it all...for the most part most people aren't smart enough to vote.  They vote the money right out of their own pockets, and your money is your freedom.   

Offline ironglow

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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2011, 12:13:50 PM »
He sounds like a dingbat politician. Well... at least he won't be worried about Negresses and too many Negroes in his county! And it's always fun to put Our black guy up against Their black guy.
Nope, he's no dingbat at all.  Re: the moderator-deleted donation link.  The guy's collecting money hand over fist thanks to people like ironglow all over the Internet.
junior, how about describing people "like Ironglow"
  Yes Junior;
   How about describing people like Bugeye and myself ? 
  I hope you realize that hard-headed as she is, even Maxine Waters is beginning to "catch on"..  Some African-Americans were never fooled by the imitation prez and his Chicago gang..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Brasso

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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2011, 02:14:14 PM »
85% of the population are functioning morons.

There should be an IQ test to vote.   

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2011, 03:06:05 PM »
there's not a thing wrong about being lumped with Ironglow.

junior, what has your hero hussein done for this country?
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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2011, 03:54:48 PM »
Its hilarious to watch the same ones attack something they don't know anything about other than what Brian Willaims told them.....
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Offline kinslayer1965

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Re: The Tea Party..for those who labor under misinformation.
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2011, 05:17:36 AM »
Great Idea Brasso!!!!!!!!
There should be a little test that you have to take when you go to vote. Let’s just say ten questions. If someone thinks my questions are unfair in some way or maybe you might have some questions you want added to the list please let me know. I have done my best to make sure the questions are relatively easy and not party specific, gender or racially biased.
1)      Who is president? (easy one you would think)
2)      Who is vice president? (ditto)
3)      What are the two major political parties? (ditto)
4)      What are the three branches of our government? (Getting tougher)
5)      What branch does congress fall under? (shouldn’t be that hard)
6)      Congress is subdivided into two groups. What are they? (back to easy)
7)      How many senators does each state have? (I hope this one is easy)
8)      Who appoints Supreme Court Justices? (Ditto)
9)      Who was president before Reagan? (should be very easy)
10)   Who was president during World War II? (it was only the defining period of the last century)
Scoring is simple and is as follows:
100%  -   You can enter and vote. Your vote will be counted five times. Everybody will admire your political acumen.
90%  -  You can enter and vote. Your vote will be counted four times. People will still admire your intelligence.
80%  -  You can enter and vote. Your vote will be counted three times. You will get a smile from the people working the polls.
70%  -  You can enter and vote. Your vote will be counted twice. People will not consider you enlightened but they will realize you are smarter than most voters.
60%  -  You can enter and vote. Your vote counts only once. People working the polls will probably hint at the possibility of night school.
50%  -  You can enter and vote…unfortunately. Your vote only counts once….fortunately. People behind you in line will start to feel smarter.
40%  -  You can enter and vote….why I don’t know. Your vote counts only once…..Thank God. Does the term “short bus” mean anything to you?
30%  -  You can enter and vote…. if you have a pulse you can vote. Counts once. There is a good chance you are lost and were looking for Wendy’s.
20%  -  Unfortunately you can enter and vote. Counts once. People behind you are surprised you don’t drool and soil your pants.
10%  -  Ditto…counts once……little old lady behinds you tasers you until you drool and soil your pants.
0%  -  Ditto…..counts once…..little old lady behind you shoots you and then gets a humanitarian award for stopping you from reproducing.
A man without a stick will get bitten, even by sheep.