Never had a 41 magnum before. There have been a swarm of Ruger Bisley SS 41 mags w/ 5.5" barrel for sale recently on gunbroker so I thought I get one as a companion to my beloved Lipsey Flattop Bisley 44 Special. Don't know who ordered these 41, probably not Acusport, maybe Williams.
Anyway I got the thing and loaded up some rounds and have taken it to the range 3 times now. I loaded 215 gr LSWC over 4.9 grs of Titegroup. All shots so far have just been at just 15 yards, hand-held, yielding fist size ragged holes in the cardboard with each 50 rounds fired. Lots of fun to shoot. Very manageable and now I got 2 Bisley winners, I'm a happy camper and I'm happy I 've started shooting the 41 magnum.
Anyone else here shoot 41s? Like 'em, or not? Dennis