1) The first phot of the fires burning in the tower prior to collapse. It seems neither "random", "light" or cool to me.
Looks random to me and contained on a floor or two..South tower fire went out and most fuel burned off outside yet freefell first in 50 minutes. You need to count again. There are no less than eight floors burning.
2) Not sure where the term "symetrical collapse" came from but that does not appear to be it.
Pancake and/or freefall total collapse in peel down fashion must have been symetrical. looks symetrical and would require simultaneous and sequenced failure of fittings, attachments and members. Actually, The buildings weren't so much collapsed as they were blown up top to bottom...opposite of #7 All evidence to the contrary it would appear. Pretty simple just imagine dominoes yet stacked vertically.
3) The photo of building six after does not seem to promote the symetrical collapse theory
Somewhere on the net there is a short video of #6 being blown between the 2 tower hits. Your #6 picture looks like a blown up building, completely hollowed from the inside. Have you seen the heatgram pictures of #6...? The picture I posted looks like a huge building fell on top of it.
4) If you look at building #6 location in relation to #7 it is not hard for me to figure out where the damage to building #7 came from.
#6 was between the Towers and #7...broken/cut multi-ton beams and debris flying approx 200 meters to damage #7 is simply not explained by compressed air ejection. You need to look at more photos. You are the only one who seems to be using the term "compressed air injection" where did that come from? In any official, published or recognized documents just out of curiosity or more he said she said with out the backup?
If I am misreading the info these photos seem to contain I am sure someone will correct me.
Yes, of course. Knew I could count on you.
Not sure if the picture below represents "pancake" or not but it sure looks layered to me.