I think the comfort of various grip styles (Bisley / Dragoon, regular Colt) depend on load being used, and hand size. I have very large hands, with normal length fingers. When shooting heavy loads, the Bisley trigger guard nails my middle finger pretty good, as does the Dragoon style sometimes. I find the regular Colt type grip allows the gun to pivot in my hand, avoiding my finger.
Most people find the Bisley more comfortable with heavy loads, but not me. I am thinking about having a set of custom grips made up for my .44 mag. 7 1/2 inch Bisley with a filler behind the trigger guard, similar to the target stocks used on a S&W revolver, see how that works.
Feels to me like the Bisley redirects the recoil more into the palm of the hand, like a D/A revolver, while the Colt type, and Dragoon type deliver more "roll".