I have a 2000 Polaris with the magical front hubs. The one run by electro-magnets. Sometimes the hubs operate in 4wd and sometimes only 2wd. When they don't engage it's always BOTH front hubs that don't engage.
I drained and refilled both front hubs with the proper fluid, and charged the battery. The 4wd worked fine for 1/2 hour, then all I had was 2wd. I let it sit 1/2 hr. and then had 4wd back for another 1/2 hour. I used it a few days later, and the 4wd didn't work for the first 10 minutes, then it kicked in for about a half hour.
I'm thinking that since both hubs either work, or neither works, that it might be the 4wd switch. Or maybe the battery isn't strong enough to electrify the front hubs. Or maybe I have bad hub seals and the lube just ran out.
I bought this new and the tires are 90%. It doesn't get much use except to plow my 75' driveway a few times a year when it snows.
Anyone have any ideas what the problem might be? Thank you.