The original AK-47 was designed with the use of the intermediate 7.62 X 39 cartridge, now you can get the Russian Saiga with the option of .308 and a 12 gauge shotgun chambered for it.
I know from experience with my pump action shotguns that running heavy bird shot or Foster slugs produces fierce recoil. I have to stand up to roll with the recoil or use a pillow to soften the impact from the stock when firing them from a bench. The pressure on an AK-47's sheet metal action must be quite high. The .308 cartridge is loaded hotter on average than the 30-06 as all .308 chambered rifles are modern, and many 30-06 guns are around 100 years old, so they are kept tamer for liability reasons.
Has anyone heard/noticed any problems with the more powerful chamberings in their Saigas? If not, then the AK designed action must be incredibly tough, I nice forgiving design for the hand loader in the lesser rounds like the 7.62 X 39 and .223.