Author Topic: Looking for info. on rifle  (Read 801 times)

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Offline tripper

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Looking for info. on rifle
« on: November 27, 2011, 08:54:55 AM »
 A friend droped off what apears to be a Sweedish muaser action that has been rebarrled to 7 MM Mag. Would like any info. that can be provided as to when these may have been put together, who did it or if they were somthing the owner had speicaly built.
  On the barrle we have- Tradewinds Inc. Tacoma Washington Husky- Model-5000 7 MM Magnum. Then ,on the barrel down by reciever  we have, 3----- Nitro. On the reciever is HVA Action- Made In Sweeden and what apears to be the Sweeding marking of the day. Somthing  else that would be interesting is if there is any value to this rifle.
 Thank you in advace for whatever info. you can provide.
be safe and god bless

Offline Mikey

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Re: Looking for info. on rifle
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2011, 01:51:15 AM »
It sounds like it may be a Husqvarna made 98 action in 7mm mag.  I have a Husqvarna made 98 in 8mm Mauser and I also have a Husqvarna made Model 38 (96) in 6.5 Swede.  I hae seen the Husqvarna made 98s in 6.5mm, 8mm, 30-06 and 9x57, but I have not seen any in 7mm mag.  The 98 action is certainly strong enough for the 7mm or they would not have built them. 
Tradewinds Inc., in Tacoma, sounds very much like a importer.  I believe the 3___ Nitro marking on the barrel is a British pressure proofing (3 tons metric is, I believe the equivalent of 66,000 psi - enough for the 7mm mag). 
As to value - ?  I purchased my Husky 98 in 8mm for about $250 but I am certain the prices are higher now.  HTH.

Offline tripper

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Re: Looking for info. on rifle
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2011, 06:57:42 AM »
Thanks for the reply Mikey, You pretty much confirmed what I was thinking he had. The bolt has been reworked and a different safety and trigger system and bolt release is custom. And the mag. housing has been redone.  What the other owner tried to get by with was to put cheap see  through mounts on it to avoid seeing the sights in the scope. When he sold it to my friend he said it shot low and he couldn't seem to get it sitted in. In process of  taking the gun apart to redo the stock I found that the rear mount was only meant to have one screw and that was broke so the scope was flopping in the wind on the back. LOL The other sad part is that it was allowed to rust to the point of pitting the exterior of the barrel, the bore looks good though. All and all I think we can turn this into a decent looking shooter again. Just don't do a close inspection on
 Thanks again Mikey.
 The $250 is about what my friend paid.
be safe and god bless

Offline Rangr44

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Re: Looking for info. on rifle
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2011, 02:55:19 PM »
Tradewinds was a Tacoma, WA based firearms importer.
The Husky 5000 was made by the Swedish rifle company, Husqvarna, using their commercial/sporting HVA action.
The HVA action was basically an "improved" Mauser 98, "improved"  in the mid-50's with delta-shaped/cross-section locking lugs, and a different/smaller bolt release, and had an adj trigger.
The Husky 5000 was specified by Tradewinds with a MonteCarlo stock IIRC - although three other/diferent configs were available as Husqvarna's and/or S&W's (1970's).
The Husky, being a Husqvarna, was an excellent quality rifle, and would readily/regularly bring $350-$400 in excellent condition.
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