1. 2x will probably be enough to hunt with in most cases, unless a long shot presents itself. 2x is not nearly enough magnification for target work
2. it would be really hard to find a scope in the $50-$100 range that would give 100% reliability in all areas. (magnification, field of view,clarity, eye relief,etc.). i tried a ncstar 2x7. it was a surprise as to how good it looked for the money. it is worth a try for your money invested($38 plus shipping at
www.crankyfarmer.com and
www.dustinbrass.com). it's a gamble, you decide if you can live with or without the money.
3. Burris(in my opinion) is THE handgun scope. Leupold is top notch also but the variable model is about 4 bills. burris 2x7 gives wide field of view at 100 yards for woods hunting, but still has enough power for target shooting. burris 3x12 will give enough field of view and provide enough magnification for shooting the tightest groups possible.
that 7br is noted for accuracy, a good scope would likely give you an opportunity to find out. the cheapest i've found burris handgun scopes is
www.bearbasin.com i guess i'm partial to burris scopes. i have 3-3x12's, 1-2x7, 1-2x. no trouble so far from any of them. the ncstar is definately worth a try if you can realize that it may or may not work out for long term. it may work forever just fine too. like i said before, it's a gamble either way. i have a 2.5 ncstar on a 22/45 ruger that is performing flawlessly so far, but a 22lr has little recoil to deal with. :music: