Delaware is a Shotgun only State. Last year a few of use signed and supported using Sharps and Sharps Replica rifle for shotgun deer season. When the proposal went through, the guy who wrote it up gave comparisons of Black powder loaded with paper patch bullets to in line muzzle loaders and shotgun slugs. Well, to get our foot in the door for rifles, only Sharps rifles and black powder loads were purposed. We tried other rifle cartridges with smoke less powder and got shot down. So when they approved Sharps rifles and blackpowder, they also looked at the data presented and added paper patch bullets only. If you like go to Delaware's hunting regulations on line and you will see how it was written. So that is how the law came to be. We have also been shot down on handgun hunting due to a stupid organization called Delmarva Sportsman Association. DENREC was going to let a few handgun in for deer hunting, but the DSA tried to show there might and said all handguns or none so DENREC said NONE. We are still fighting to get handguns approved for hunting. Also State Police are fighting agents it.