Author Topic: Deer Season/a year in review :(  (Read 1977 times)

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Offline crash87

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Deer Season/a year in review :(
« on: January 21, 2011, 03:51:03 AM »
With the deer seasons over, bow/gun, thought I'd chime in. 1st off with work obligations I didn't "really" hunt Wisconsin. Work obligations are defined by not working for 18 months, (thank you very little nobama) and deciding not to hunt Wisconsin because of the now to common, mismanagement of the deer herd. Not to hard of a decision, so I elected to work, but I was home Tue. p.m. and back to work, the day after season close. Did get out in the "backyard" though, for 1 afternoon. saw 2 dogs, which were the neighbors, and 3 teenage blaze orange hunters/trespassers.
    I was hearing all kinds of reports of massive deer sightings by bowhunter buddies and co-workers who hunt what used to be the sacred hunting grounds of Florence county. (Sadly after 26 straight years our camp was vacant, bow and gun, thank you very little, and shame on you WDNR!) But, apparently the deer, whats left of them, had that week in November circled also because gun hunters saw the same as the past 6 years, for me anyway, nothin'.
   While myself and 14 year old son did buy licenses for both bow and gun, He was able to bow hunt and did a little gun hunting, I really did not want to patronize this state or there corrupt kill 'em all DNR. The people who did suffer through these lean deer times are of course the venders of groceries, gas, sporting goods, food and beverages, etc,etc. That is unfortunate as the "cause" of the problems are the ones that should suffer, of course that is directed at the blind eyes and deaf ears of the WDNR. I did too, also get to do a little bowhunting in between trips.
   While my son saw, a few does, He did not draw his bow nor take the safety catch off his shotgun, never mind the rifle, stayed in the safe except to shoot paper. I did manage to shoot an 8 point buck. WOW  :o you say, not bad, huh? Whats the problem then? Weeelll, I hunted in South Carolina. As the sun rose over the pines I got  1/2 hour into my 1, yes ONE day hunt! and thought this is not unlike Wis. really wasn't expecting "nothing" right away. Thought I'd see about a dozen by then, never mind the weather really wasn't cooperating, this isn't Wis. And, it turned out it wasn't. As things started to get FUN again.
    I feel for all of our young hunters not being able to at least have a fair chance of, at least, seeing something of substance. When I 1st went to the Northwoods I wasn't very successful, BUT, i'd go to the registration stations and see success. Knowing that, it could be me tomorrow. You don't even have that anymore. Down a few posts there is a small thread on some of the successes of the season. How about you guys that didn't go? Did you go somewhere else, or unlike me you didn't even buy a liscense? Let's not forget, we do, have a problem within our state government, hopefully our new Governor will listen and help us out, something is better than what we've come to expect, yep, NOTHN' CRASH87

Offline ihookem

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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2011, 04:29:21 AM »
Honestly I hear hunters going else where more often. I am thinking too of other places too but have not yet. Wisconsin has a problem most states don't have. We have 630,000 hunters that all want a deer. They also all want a 10 point buck and a "few does for the freezer." There is not a state in the union that can support that high of a harvest with 2000 wolves, 25,000 bears, 2,000 bobcats, yotes and dogs running at night killing fawns. We can do something about it. We can easily harvest more bear. We need to make wolves a huntable trophy animal, shoot yotes during deer season, and restrict the harvest to one deer a year for a long time.

Offline carbineman

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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2011, 04:22:59 AM »
Like Hulk Hogan would say, "I feel your pain bruther." My AO has not been hit quite as hard with the overall whitetail outlook being fair. We are in farm country with a respectable herd but not outstanding. Problem is my 30 wooded acres gets pretty small after a few days of hunting. Needless to say we have some decent deer numbers because of the farm crops.

Every year since '99 I have been rifle hunting northern Manysodas near Orr Minnesota with some success but deer numbers are not plentiful. This past year I saw 4 deer in 7 days of hunting. Because of the large area and low deer numbers sometimes seeing a deer is an accomplishment.
This winter though the snow is just about up to the waist and wolves are having an easier time chasing down the deer. This obviously could hurt the deer numbers.

This hunt has turned into a social event of sorts as I leave my older camping trailer in Minnesota near my hunting area by a friend and then tow it two miles to the area me and a buddy hunt. We have a circle of friends that also hunt in the same general area and we share deer stories with them when we all get out of the timber after a days hunt.

If you are looking for another area to hunt this could be an alternative. I enjoy this hunt more than the Wi. hunt.

Offline crash87

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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2011, 06:13:09 AM »
As far as a place to hunt, of course I do have alternatives. For a number of years, sadly, not recently, we have hunted public land in the U.P. while success was  fleeting, we did not expect it to be, the camaraderie and the primitive nature of the hunt was quite the exileration. Canvas wall tent, wood heater and stove, and not knowing if the lake superior affect snows would even let you leave and not be stranded for a few days after. But, we did see deer, unlike now in the DNR waste land known as the Wisconsin Northwoods.
   I would never have thought, because of the social stature of the traditional Wisconsin hunt, that we could or even, would, "all" loose interest. Just recently I had a dinner outing with Deer hunting buddies and their wives, both from my camp and others, to the man, it was said that no vacation time from work was going to be wasted on next years hunt. Simply because the lack of, (no, not success), but from not even the chance of seeing a deer, never mind buck or doe, just "A" deer.
   My son and other senior hunters son's and daughter's, are the ones really suffering. Not to mention, these days, I really want to see success for my child. Success is what you make it. For instance, a miss, is a learning lesson. Seeing a "big one" and not getting a clean shot, etc. etc.,  But, all success stories none the less. The build up to the ultimate outcome. But those things have to happen, along with, gettin skunked, Here, now, and in the recent past getting skunked has turned into the rule as opposed to the exception. How can a kid be motivated with that? Answer: Take him/her somewhere else, which is unfortunate.
4 deer in 7 days? I know more than a few guys that could only wish for that many, heck, even half that. CRASH87

Offline ihookem

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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2011, 02:20:12 PM »
Ya I hate to say it but If I saw 4 deer in 7 days I'd still be in my stand. I saw  no deer this year in 5 days. I saw 5 deer in 2009, a nice 8 point 14" spread (best in 25 years in Price co.) 2008, 1 deer. I had 8 in my camp 10 years ago. In 2008 it was me and my kid. Last 2 yrs my inlaw came up so we had 3 in camp. Doesn't matter where you sit, you will be lucky to see anything. My inlaw saw 1 deer in two years, he hunted very hard in 2009 with 1 deer sighted. It won't be long and he will be gone too. What is just as strange, we don't see anything in the woods. No rabbits,fox, bear, bobcat... just a a few grouse and red squirrels per year. A chickadee has become a blessing. I hate to say it but something is wrong out there. I have not seen a rabbit in 10 years of bow and gun hunting. Is this common? Am I the only one that sees northern Wis. as an ecological desert?

Offline buck460XVR

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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2011, 08:04:51 AM »
I live in west-central Wisconsin. I have the bluffs and coulees to the west and south, and the Oak Savannah and swamps to the east and north.  In my county this year bow-hunters had a great year. Bow kill for bucks and does was up and one of the highest in history. Local registers claimed they registered more mature/trophy bucks than ever. The youth hunt kill was also up with more mature bucks registered than ever. On my son's 40 acres this fall, his trail cam captured 13 different bucks, with 6 of them being 8 points or better. Two bucks were killed on his property during bow nice 8 and a 150 class 10, my son got the last week in October. Two of the bucks on trail cam were bigger. During the nine day gun season 4 hunters saw a total of 7 deer on this property. No bucks were taken there, nor were there any taken by neighbors within a mile radius. Trail cam pictures from after the season show numerous does and 7 different bucks :-\ with a new drop-tined 8 showing up. Same story on a friend's property 40 miles to the north. On 170 acres, him and his sons missed two and took one nice buck during the bow season. During the 9 day gun season they saw a total of 1 doe...and his son shot it. Three days after rifle season, he has trail-cam pictures of two mature bucks fighting, and several other pics of does and other bucks. Registration numbers for gun killed deer in this county was down yet again from last year. What does this tell me? This tells me there are deer out there, but they make themselves scarce during the gun deer season. Long hikes on areas of large tracks of state owned land the last few weeks in search of Snowshoe Hares confirms there are deer there also. It tells me it isn't just me and where I hunt, but other folks also in different areas. It also tells me that bow hunter/youth hunter success is having a big impact on gun season success. It  tells me all the pressure put on deer before the regular gun season makes them very wary once the regular gun season comes around and that by gun season, many of those bucks that make themselves accessible/vulnerable, have already been shot. I also believe that the way we hunt has a big impact on the number of deer we see. Years ago EVERYONE make large drives after opening weekend. Many folks started to drive deer before noon on opening day. Nowadays, folks just want to sit in their permanent stands in front of the Mister Heater and fear if they even walk thru their woods, they'll push all the deer to the neighbors. We have accelerated the evolution of our deer herd.....those deer with the genes to run to escape have been shot off. Those deer with the genes to hunker down and hide have survived and their genes have been passed on. We have also pressured deer to stay nocturnal.....again those that venture out in the daytime have already been shot, or shot at. Are there less deer now than in the heyday of the eighties and nineties? Absolutely, but there are deer still out there, at least around here, even tho gun season success does not show it. Altho the kill is still way down around here, pictures, sightings and sign are clear evidence that huntable numbers and nice bucks are still there. They are just well educated and have patterned us as hunters. In other words, I ain't gonna give up just yet. This may not be true in all areas of the state, but it is true around here.

Am I the only one that sees northern Wis. as an ecological desert?

Every year we go to Tomahawk for the bike rally. We stay in Merrill and ride HWY 107 up to Tomahawk. Last year we rode 107 at least 8 times. Not once did we not have to slow down or stop to allow deer, bear or turkeys to cross. I will not ride this road at all at night with the bike because of the amount of deer. This also goes for most of Northern Wisconsin and the U.P. that I ride in(especially HWY B from Presque Isle to Land o' Lakes). Seems like the more houses and cottages anymore, the more deer. It seems deer have learned that houses and towns are safer than the woods and conifer swamps they used to hide in.
"where'd you get the gun....son?"

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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2011, 02:48:50 PM »
Buck, I see the same. We see very little in the day. We do see some very nice bucks on the cam, always at night though. I think they run all night, hitting corn piles. I think by the time gun season rolls around those bucks are done. They run so much harder these days to find a doe because of 10 years of t-zones. Just an observation. A friend hunts west of Ogema. He had a monster around and all held out for the monster. Opening day, a big 9 came in to his corn just before day light. When it got light the buck walked 100 yds and sat in the tall grass along the creek. He told me that buck never so much as moved his head all day. The buck was beat from the rut and was time to rest with a belly full of corn. I know big bucks die of old age up there. It would be much more productive  to start the season a little earlier. This is a bid debate, however it won't matter much since hunter numbers will be down again this year. You might be right about bow and youth hunt in your area. I have never seen a bow/youth/t-zone hunter where I hunt in the 25 years I've hunted the 100 ac. of public land. Baiters most likely are the biggest problem. An illegal bait pile can put the end to day time deer movement. Never thought I'd say it but we should outlaw it for a few years and see what happens. More deer would be seen if we all obey the ban. 

Offline crash87

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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2011, 04:26:54 AM »
You say west/central Wisconsin. Curious to know if that is a private land area, as I am talking about the Nicolet forest, some 600,000 acres in Florence county alone, managed solely by the inept WDNR.  Locked up private land does have deer on it, as it does, in my back yard also. What does this tell me? It tells me that the landowners can get on the same page and manage vast tracts of land to actually "see" deer, weather its on a camera or not. They only buy doe tags when they "want" to shoot a doe, not to buy one as their only viable chance to get venison. On small acerages you do have more pressure, and you "might" push the bucks into hiding because of bowhunting pressure. Let me be the 1st to tell you, there is NO pressure from bowhunters on these deer in the northeast WI/Mi border forest! How do I know this? There are not the numbers of hunters anymore, to make this a valid excuse. If you like peace and solitude while hunting, are a camera buff, and like to take pictures of Red squirrels and blue Jays this is the place for you. Not your sons 40. In fact, it can now be said, instead of bringing your camera along hunting, bring your bow/gun along while photographing.
I also didn't know that I and others, "Nowadays, folks just want to sit in their permanent stands in front of the Mister Heater and fear if they even walk thru their woods, they'll push all the deer to the neighbors." I don't know who the "neighbors" would be, but one of my favorite methods, is to walk slowly and deliberately through the cedar swamps and catch em napping. I suppose the neighbors are pretty happy, whoever they are.
  I too, ride my bike in the northwoods. Running the highway east to west, from the U.P. border to Florence, 70 West, to Eagle River. That stretch from Florence to the T intersection of 70/139 was a suicide run just a few years ago. Crank it up and let your wind sail through your hair, day or night, not a problem now. But be carefull as you get to Eagle River, you start to run out of DNR controlled land and hit the Private stuff, That would be where "you" would be afraid to ride at night. So that would tell me, judging and managing a deer herd solely on a motorcycle ride down a certain stretch of highway is pretty fruitless, albeit, borderline ridiculous..
 As far as baiting, that would be another DNR excuse for deer not being seen, put that up there with the harvest being down because to many hunters didn't go out Sunday afternoon because of the game, or hunters leaving early, not because of NO DEER, but some other lame excuse, weather is one they like to use.
Again, where I and others hunt, what use to be a decent place for a chance, baiting is just not prevalent anymore. Most intelligent hunters have figured out it just doesn't work, at one time, yes, but, I agree to a certain extent, deer do get smarter, like the days when treestands were 1st used. Those same reasons for treestand use, originally, are not valid anymore. Besides that the fines are just not worth it, and hunters have figured that out too. I just do not see the slobs up and around, dumping 100's of pounds of corn anymore. Not in the woods or tooling down the highway. Each area is a lesson onto itself, it can change in a 30 mile stretch. You can be fortunate you have private land to hunt, believe me. And the fact you have those hunter smart deer on camera after dark tells me you have what a lot of others don't, A Chance. CRASH87

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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2011, 01:16:06 PM »
Crash, you don't have corn dumpers by you? Wish that was the case here. I got neighbors that put put the corn as soon as they see me heading to my cabin. Out comes the corn and in comes the deer, leaving me with a deerless area to hunt.  The deer cams show a lot less deer movement soon after I get there and deer just standing in their yard 1/4 mi. away. By friday all their cousins are up there running corn piles with their atv's. By Saturday, you can forget about seeing a deer. More than anything I wish they would outlaw baiting and paste a 5k fine on any one who gets caught.

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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2011, 07:32:29 PM »
Gun deer season:  08, 09, & 10~ never saw a deer on public land where I have hunted successfully for over 20 years.  A fair # of tracks, but all the deer nocturnal after two months of bow hunting and "special seasons".  Most of the success people had happened on drives. 

I started hunting over 40 years ago and only recall one other year when I didn't see a deer and it was in 1992 the year after the Halloween blizzard when most of the does aborted; now it's been 3 consecutive years.

Next year I'll try to put a deer in the freezer with my crossbow & skip the gun season.  Haven't seen a cottontail in the woods in years yet the lab & I hunt grouse 3+ days week for a couple hours each day.  Grouse hunting has been good but I miss so many I'm surprised the dog still takes me out hunting.  Haven't seen a gray squirrel in a few years either.  You would think we would blunder into one by accident, wouldn't you?

I can tell you what the difference is.  The DNR puts more of our license money into increasing the numbers of predators than they do into game management.  Fer cripes sake,  they are even trying to increase the wolf population now! My grandfather is probably rolling over in his grave about the crap going on today. 

In the fifties and sixties we shot every crow, hawk, owl, and fox we could, and we had lots of local ducks, rabbits, squirrels, and pheasants.  I remember a small lake  by Whitewater that had so many teal on it opening day that I shot over a box of shells.  Couldn't hit much then either.  A box of shells lasts alot longer now.
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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2011, 07:53:48 PM »
I had a feeling that things would be bad this years season......    My 1st deer fields burnt up due to lack of water, so I had to replant.   I missed a 6 pointer the last day of muzzle loading season at dusk.   The light was so bad I just prayed and shot....... crap I missed.   NO BUCKS seen the WHOLE 60 days left of the season.   There were does only coming out.   Shot one........ :o

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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2011, 07:50:25 AM »

Curious to know if that is a private land area

My observations are from both private and public. I hunt several different parcels of private land along with public lands located in and around the Black River State Forrest, the Necedah Wildlife Refuge, the Kickapoo Valley Reserve, the Meadow Valley wildlife area and public access areas of Fort McCoy. Altho there was more deer sign on private lands as compared to public, there was still some sign, even on the  highly pressured areas of public land.

I also didn't know that I and others, "Nowadays, folks just want to sit in their permanent stands in front of the Mister Heater and fear if they even walk thru their woods, they'll push all the deer to the neighbors." I don't know who the "neighbors" would be, but one of my favorite methods, is to walk slowly and deliberately through the cedar swamps and catch em napping. I suppose the neighbors are pretty happy, whoever they are.

I too prefer to still hunt and it the main reason I hunt public lands. Areas large enough to do this successfully are just not available on private land around here, even if one does have access. No where in my post did I say your lack of success was due to what I observe around here. If you reread my post, you'll see I distinctly stated, "This may not be true in all areas of the state, but it is true around here."

So that would tell me, judging and managing a deer herd solely on a motorcycle ride down a certain stretch of highway is pretty fruitless, albeit, borderline ridiculous.. where in my post did I say I was judging the size of Wisconsin's deer herd or that it should be managed by my observations while riding motorcycle. I hate it when folks put words in my mouth. My reply about wildlife I saw along Hwys 107 and B was in answer to ihookem's question, ''Am I the only one that sees northern Wis. as an ecological desert?''. This is why I quoted him before making this reply. This is just normal forum etiquette. To add, I also rode your HWY 70 between E.R. and Arbor Vitae several times this year, and saw enough game and game sign, that I would hesitate to ride fast and furiously there at night. As I stated in my previous post, it seems the deer in that area prefer the cover of summer homes, cabins and resorts over their former woodsy haunts. If east of there, deer are scarce and you feel safe, go for it.

And the fact you have those hunter smart deer on camera after dark tells me you have what a lot of others don't, A Chance. CRASH87

You are correct, I do have a chance. As a matter of fact I had several chances in the last gun deer season to fill a tag. But I chose not to. I did not fill them because I am not in fear of starvation and feel the deer herd needs a break. Just because the DNR issued X amount of permits doesn't mean they all need to be filled. We as hunters need to judge and managed the deer in our areas also. If we see a lot of deer and know that taking one or two will enhance the herd instead of decimating it, then we need to shoot. If that is not the case we need to hold up and watch them run away. Just like the Bass and Musky fishery here in Wisconsin. Just because the DNR says we can take a certain # of fish over a specific length on any given lake doesn't mean we should. One reason Bass and Musky populations are as large as they are(especially BIG fish) in Wisconsin is because fishermen are leaving them to grow and spawn......not because of restrictions put on by the DNR. This is part of being a hunter and a sportsman. I don't blame the DNR, nor do I blame the wolves when I go a day or two without seeing a deer. I blame those foolish hunters that thought they had to fill as many of their tags as they could. The ones that cried "if it's brown, it's down'' with the philosophy that becasue they spent $2 for a bonus tag, the DNR owed them a deer. I bought two $12 antlerless  tags for a small area of public land this year with no intentions to fill them....just so someone else couldn't. I figured it ws a small price to pay for the chance of maybe seeing a deer or two there next year. I intend to hunt again next year, and will continue to do so as long as the good Lord lets me. Even if I see no deer.  IMHO, it still beats the 'ell outta sittin' in the house thinkin' of what coulda been.
"where'd you get the gun....son?"

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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2011, 12:16:21 PM »
Best indicator of the numerical well being of the Wisconsiun deer herd is the number of motor vehicle collisions with deer, compared to other years.   NOT the SAK money pit.   Hard science has it's place, but it is in the lab, not in the woods.   A day in the woods will tell you way more than a day in the lab.  Wake up Madison DNR bozos.
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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2011, 02:52:47 AM »
I'm glad you were taken with my rebuttal buck to thoroughly explain yourself. I kind of figured you would.

"IMHO, it still beats the 'ell outta sittin' in the house thinkin' of what coulda been"

Yes it does, I had a little absence from home these last few days, I was in Texas with my son and 3 other youth hunters, 2 from Missouri, 1 from Texas, watching them have a "Quality" hunt experience. A lot of hunters expressed this very thought, taking there money elsewhere, instead of giving it to the WDNR. Myself I'll sit around the cabin, then go home, pack the truck and go hunting, across state lines, of course. Defending the WDNR will only hurt our cause, which is getting our deer herd back to at least having a chance. I will give buck credit for one thing, A new way for the WDNR to have a more accurate count,................... A shucks, now our license dollars are going to have to go to buying them motorcycles now too. CRASH87

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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2011, 05:11:41 PM »
I know this is an old topic, but...

I hunt in Jackson county, mainly on private property.  When I first started hunting 18 years ago, there were deer to be hunted.  About that time the DNR decided that deer needed to become extinct.   So, after all of these years of over harvesting does, I was "lucky" enough to see 12 deer during my time afield in '09, and 13 in '10.  Yes, this included bow, rifle, and muzzleloader.  Again, this is prime private farmland in Southern Jackson county.  Yes, there are areas with deer, but you either need to cough up $5,000 for a lease, own 500 acres, or be lucky enough not to have Amish neighbors (contrary to what everyone thinks, they are not quiet, law abiding citizens).  I know a DNR officer that can't wait to catch one in the area poaching.  He knows it's going on everywhere, but he just can't catch them red handed.

This year, I finally found a nice little honey hole where I have actually seen at least one deer every time I've been to my stand.  It has actually renewed my interest in deer hunting.  I used to be one of the most passionate people I knew when it came to hunting.  Lately, I've really struggled with purchasing a license.  I mean, would you spend every day you have off for 3 to 4 months out of a year every year, only to come up empty handed?  Me neither. 

It's actually pretty sad what the DNR has done to our hunting heritage.  What used to be a Wisconsin tradition and basically a holiday, has turned into a job.  You don't really enjoy it anymore, but it's just something you do. 

I hope that something drastic happens and the DNR re-evaluates it's management strategies and "healthy" herd goals.  If not, then I may be hanging up my gun and bow for the Wisconsin hunts and head elsewhere!

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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2011, 02:48:35 AM »
Pretty much describes where I hunt in northwest Sawyer county and nearby Washburn county.  Haven't seen a deer during the 9-day in 3 seasons.  I still go to the places that used to produce deer, but mostly for the memories.   The guys who do the drives, occasionally shooting each other, might move a deer my way.
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Does anyone remember the scene from "Quigley Down Under" showing the aborigines lined up on the skyline as far as you could see?   That needs to be US!
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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2011, 05:44:00 PM »
I hunted 5 days in Price co. and didn't see anything till the last hour. Then I saw 4 deer. No horns. How bout everyone else.

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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2011, 01:53:17 PM »
most people dont know it, but there are two different wisconsins.   south of hwy 29, and north of hwy 29.    completely different cultures and circumstances.    "an ecological desert" is about the best description i have heard of it.  can i still go out and kill game?  yes.   do i want to?  NO.   we need whatever is left for breeding stock. 

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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2011, 02:11:07 PM »
As few deer as we have up here, I sure hate seeing anyone shoot a doe.
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Does anyone remember the scene from "Quigley Down Under" showing the aborigines lined up on the skyline as far as you could see?   That needs to be US!
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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2011, 02:30:06 PM »
I seen ten deer opening day, two the second day. That was in southern Barron county. I shot and missed. Thought it was 200 yards, it was 300. Southern Barron county is all agriculture with small wood lots, more deer. I have now been hunting northern Barron county and southern Washburn, no deer.  I will keep hunting, persistence will pay off.
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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2011, 04:04:35 PM »
12 deer in 2 days, I envy you. Doe harvest is up 70 % in Price co. this year. Way too many doe tags for the late winter up there. Also, I swear the baiting makes them move at night. I have a story to tell ya. Wednesday Oct. 26 we got to the shack a 10:30 PM. I told my son just watch we will be there 10 min. and we will see a deer. We get to the shack 10 min. and there were 5 deer in the yard waiting for us to put out food. We through out a bunch of apples and they never even ran away. Thur. was the same Fri night just 1 deer. Sat. nothing. The reason is cause Friday all the baiters on atv's dump so much corn out on the public land next to me that the deer  have 20 corn piles to go to. They eat all night, sleep all day. By Tuesday the corn is gone, the trail cams show deer moving in the day time when the corn is all gone. It may very wel be the amount of illegal baiting going on.

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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2011, 04:37:29 AM »
12 deer in 2 days, I envy you. Doe harvest is up 70 % in Price co. this year. Way too many doe tags for the late winter up there. Also, I swear the baiting makes them move at night. I have a story to tell ya. Wednesday Oct. 26 we got to the shack a 10:30 PM. I told my son just watch we will be there 10 min. and we will see a deer. We get to the shack 10 min. and there were 5 deer in the yard waiting for us to put out food. We through out a bunch of apples and they never even ran away. Thur. was the same Fri night just 1 deer. Sat. nothing. The reason is cause Friday all the baiters on atv's dump so much corn out on the public land next to me that the deer  have 20 corn piles to go to. They eat all night, sleep all day. By Tuesday the corn is gone, the trail cams show deer moving in the day time when the corn is all gone. It may very wel be the amount of illegal baiting going on.

I too think that baiting tends to influence deer movement, but not just because of the deer going to bait stations, but because those hunting over bait, tend not to go anywhere else in the woods and get those deer that are bedded down, up and moving. Deer are great at reading pressure and patterning hinter movement. When folks take the same lane to the same spot in the woods everytime they hunt, deer do not need to go far to keep from being seen/shot. Since they aren't pressured to move, they don't, till the safety of darkness comes. This is very evident here in central Wisconsin where I hunt. Tons of deer sign with very few actual deer sighted during the day. Go out at night with a spotlight(legally) and the fields are full of deer while the next day hunting those same firlds and the woods next to them......nuttin'. Without access to unpressured land those deer are safe and have no reason to stray from there.

Opening day I saw not a single deer. Altho we got heavy rain Saturday night washing away all previous deer sign, the trails were hammered with tracks and scat come Sunday morning. Sunday I passed up a nice 7 pointer and took the large doe next to him with my 629. There were two other does there also. Wednesday when I went back the drag trail was beaten down and unreconizable because of fresh deer sign. Sat all day and did not see a single deer. While my sightings are few, the evidence that there are many deer there is unmistakable. Same patch of land during bow season, I passed up 7 different bucks and between us and the neighbors we had 11 different bucks on trail cams. Neighbor showed me a pic of a 12 pointer that passed by his trail cam @ 4:30 Wednesday morning. I was in my stand, not more than 500 yards away by 6:00....and again never saw a deer. Somewhere close there is a patch of woods where he is safe....and it's not that far away. But to me, because it is inaccessable, it may as well be ten miles. Maybe late bow season he will make a mistake.

If I was to go by my actual deer sightings alone, I'd have to say there was only 3 deer left in the whole area, and I'd feel bad about taking a mature breeding doe. But the sign, trail cam pics and night sightings paint a much different picture.'s frustrating as hell.
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Re: Deer Season/a year in review :(
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2011, 09:41:27 AM »
Am I the only one that sees more deer after opening weekend than during the opener?  I have a friend who says he sees more deer and deer sign during the muzzle loader season than during the regular season.
I think this suggests baiting has a larger impact than we might think.
As for the wolves. . . I don't know where people get the idea that the DNR wants to increase the wolf numbers.  Everything I've ever read in the last five years has been that the DNR is all in favor of de-listing the wolf.  It's the blasted federal judges that prevent the USFWS from delisting them!
Another thing I would like the WDNR to address is the possibility that the winter severity index should be re-calibrated for the presence of wolves.  Without wolves, the snow depth and temperatures had to get severe enough to starve the deer to death or cause does to miscarry.  But I wonder if that tipping point is reached much easier when a doe gets chased all winter long. 
In other words the wolf doesn't have to actually kill the doe to reduce the herd, the wolf merely has to stress the doe enough to cause a calorie deficit and she will only birthe one fawn or none.  Thus the doe doesn't calculate into the 20 deer/wolf consumption, and the snow depth and temperatures may not have reached the old severity index, yet the wolf still has an impact perhaps?
Black Jaque Janaviac - Dat's who!

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