Author Topic: New Mossberg 4 X 4 in .270, some questions?  (Read 832 times)

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New Mossberg 4 X 4 in .270, some questions?
« on: November 09, 2011, 09:13:51 AM »
I picked up a new 4 X 4 Mossberg plastic stocked rifle in .270 Win. yesterday.  The trigger from the factory is only 2 lbs, nice and crisp, I was surprised that a factory gun would have such a light trigger.  Why do they call it a 4 X 4?  It is not a truck. ;)   What is the difference between it and the ATR model?  From some photos taken of an ATR that came apart in a law suit, the bolts look similar.
Mounted a scope on it and bore sighted for a good start, plan to take it to the range next week for initial break in and sighting.  Not sure on how to take the bolt apart for cleaning, seems to be pressed fitted together, not sure though.  If I decide on a nicer stock, who makes a good replacment for it?
I had planned to get a Remington 700 ADL, but the Mossberg seemed so much nicer, and cheaper too at $340.00.  It also had the scope mounts already installed.  I have concerns about the ported barrel muzzle break and their tendancy to be loud, will see how it kicks before removal options are looked at.
Anything special I should be aware of?

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Re: New Mossberg 4 X 4 in .270, some questions?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2011, 04:28:07 AM »
Did some research on  the 4 X 4.  Seems this rifle is the same as the ATR, but with more features like a fluted barrel with muzzle break, an adjustable trigger, and a detachable magazine.  The law suit involving a blown bolt was with a drunken guy who took it apart, and did not put it back together again, happened in the mid 2000's . 
ATR guns were originally from a Connecticut company called Rapter Arms, they went out of business and Mossberg bought them out.  From what I have read Rapter had serious problems with quality control, everyone mentions that they had metal shavings in the action, poor fit and finish, etc. while under the Rapter control.  Mossberg probably thought they could do better and bought the design.  The reviews on them show a positive light in terms of materials and design.
Practically no response to this forum on other people asking questions about them, not sure if they are rare guns at this time, but have been around awhile.  Most internet mention of "Mossberg" involves their shotguns, and the You Tube videos usually show some guy putting an ATR on a table and saying it went bang and he shot a deer with it.  With the 4 X 4 I hear better comments, and it was recommended by a guy I was shooting with who had a top of the line Browning BLR with him to break in that day.  I figured a fellow like that who has money and can choose anything who recommends a lower end rifle must know something.
Hoping to take it to the range and see how it does next week, if it is a good one I will buy a set of dies and handload.   

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Re: New Mossberg 4 X 4 in .270, some questions?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2011, 05:14:10 AM »
I bought my wife an ATR in .243 a while back.. its the "super bantam" version (youth stock, fluted barrel, etc..).. she wanted something she could go deer/hog hunting with, but had minimal recoil, had a short LOP (she is only 5'4"), etc.. I didnt want to drop a whole lot of money into a rifle that I knew on the front end would see minimal use.. but also didnt want to get her "junk" that she couldnt use..
Hers is a real tack driver.. we have put 3 different types of ammo through it (100gr remington corelokt, 100gr winchester power points, and 100gr winchester bonded powermax).. all have kept sub MOA groups at 100 yards..
the stock leaves alot to be desired.. and the action isnt buttery smooth like my winchester 70 super grade.. but what do you expect out of a $300 rifle?
at the end of the day.. ours has had about 80 rounds pushed through it so far.. and it has gone "bang" every time the trigger has been pulled... it has proven to be accurate and reliable.. Ive got less than $550 in the entire package to include the optic, rings, base, scope cover, sling, and case it stays in.. and she has a rifle that she is comfortable with that will do anything she needs it to do..
cant really complain..
If I see one on sale again (I bought hers from Buds when they were on sale for right at $300 shipped I think) in .308.. I'll buy it just to have something cheap to throw in the truck and play with..

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Re: New Mossberg 4 X 4 in .270, some questions?
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2011, 03:53:23 PM »
I'm not sure of how much discussion there has been on this forum regarding the 4X4, but there has been some discussions regarding the ATR from time to time.  You may wish to do a search of the ATR.  Given that the two rifles are very similar, perhaps the discussions on the ATR will shed some light on the rifles.
There are a few members here that have owned ATR's for some time (myself included) and like them very much.  I have three and one Maverick.  I like them all and have no issues with how they shoot or perform.  I can see additional models in my future.   ;)

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Re: New Mossberg 4 X 4 in .270, some questions?
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2011, 08:50:09 AM »
I finally took my 4 X 4 to the range, with 2 boxes of Privi .270, one in 130 gr. and the other in 150 gr.  Shot at 50 and 100 yards.  I am impressed, this gun is very accurate out of the box, trigger is set at 2 lbs, smooth reliable action.  The muzzle break really helps in the recoil department, shoots more like a .243.  I can actually see the towel that I used on the bench jump from the side blast of the muzzle, I am glad the range master put me away from other shooters. ;)
The only areas that I have to watch out for is the long barrel (24").  The ejector operates like an AR-15, so I angle the rifle slightly down to the right when ejecting a cartridge to keep it from flying off the bench.  Bought a handloading die set and bullets/powder, so will see how those work.  I got some of the match grade Sierra bullets as this stuff worked well in my 30-06.
Would like to get another center fire hunting rifle after I sold my CZ this week, but with this Mossberg it will take months to see if it really is a good gun after giving it a work out.  There are also lots of other low end priced guns available to add to the delemma.

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Re: New Mossberg 4 X 4 in .270, some questions?
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2011, 03:56:09 PM »
The mossy bolts I've had the opportunity to shoot seem to be in the upper end of the inexpensive rifles.  I'm actually eyeballing the .308 version pretty hard of the 100ATR due to the fact they have a model with sights.  I rarely use scopes, but even when I do, I like having sights available.  Mossberg has been one of the few companies offering sight versions for non-premium and non-african models.  An elder in my church bought the Mossy 270 4x4 and has taken 4 deer with it at a few different ranges over 3 years.  Longest was offhand at 180 yards and shortest was 30 yards from a blind.  Pretty accurate little gun and it's doing well after 3 years, so with proper maintenance, I'd think it'll keep going a while.  ;)
Tacklebury --}>>>>>    Multi-Barrel: .223 Superlite, 7mm-08 22", .30-40 Krag M158, .357 Maximum 16-1/4 HB, .45 Colt, .45-70 22" irons, 32" .45-70 Peeps, 12 Ga. 3-1/2 w/ Chokes, .410 Smooth slugger, .45 Cal Muzzy, .50 Cal Muzzy, .58 Cal Muzzy

also classics: M903 9-shot Target .22 Revolver, 1926 .410 Single, 1915 38 S&W Break top Revolver and 7-shot H&R Trapper .22 6" bbl.