I don't see how this is much different from the Deer Opener, Fishing Opener, Trout Opener, Grouse Opener, and Small Game opener. They are all institutions here. The only comment I have about the Christmas season is that it's stretched out to begin in after Labor Day now. I was at a WalMart back around September 1, and they already had two aisles of Christmas decorations. It takes a lot of the special-ness out of it when it's protracted so long. But who am I to judge. I don't complain that the open water fishing season is about five months long in this state.
As for being comical, just try going to an all-night restaurant at about 4am on the deer opener. Guys wearing camo (including camo face paint) come in for coffee and a big breakfast. I don't see how camping in a parking lot is funnier than that.
I do see the trend to having stores open on Thanksgiving. It would be nice if we could preserve just a few holidays so that people can have a day off that can be dedicated to focusing inward to family, God, and self. But then again, I felt the same way when stores started opening on Sundays back in the 70s. Today it's normal for stores to be open Sundays.