Another great powder I have found, is H322! It's all I use it behind the Barnes 200X and now the 200TTSX. I have never used Wolf primers, but hey, they make about a gazillion rounds of ammo every week, so they must work! ha
I just paid right at $50 for another brick of BR2 primers, but I don't shoot near as much as I used to. I seldom shoot over 20rds, more like 9-12 in a load workup, and then later, I may fine tune my zero with a load. I still have ammo left from my '95 trip to SA.
I have shot some big zebra with both the 250 & 200x, they are like shooting a stump! I am looking forward to seeing what a big, heavy Woodleigh will do that big Russian boar! I have booked for an "Alpha Boar". I want one of the biggest boys on the place, ha! I can pay around $500 and shoot a hogzilla type here in Utah. They just go to the sale, buy one, and turn it loose on their place. I like to do that for a meat hog, but I have no desire to do that with a big Poland China or Duroc, that's alot of pork, and too much like shooting Farmer Dan's pig, ha.
I have some 250gr Speer HotCor and 250 Hornady rn, but I have never worked up a load for them in this AI. I will one day. I used 54gr of R15 behind the Hornady 25rn out of that Model 750 carbine though. Very accurate.