Author Topic: Chiappa 1911-22 Review  (Read 10414 times)

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Re: Chiappa 1911-22 Review
« Reply #30 on: August 20, 2011, 08:04:43 AM »
I contacted Chiappa about my magazine and it not working properly.  That gave me return authorization to return it to them and they replaced it.  Quick and simple.  That rates a 'good to do business with' in my book.  44 Man
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Offline tacklebury

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Re: Chiappa 1911-22 Review
« Reply #31 on: August 21, 2011, 05:53:37 PM »
I contacted Chiappa about my magazine and it not working properly.  That gave me return authorization to return it to them and they replaced it.  Quick and simple.  That rates a 'good to do business with' in my book.  44 Man

That's good to hear.  ;)
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Offline 44 Man

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Re: Chiappa 1911-22 Review
« Reply #32 on: August 22, 2011, 03:18:09 AM »
Just for comparison's sake, I did get to handle a GSG a couple weeks ago.  Jay's had one in the used gun case.  I do admit that it does have a much more 'real' 1911 feel to it, but of course it was still $350 used!  They also had a Puma in OD for sale used, that was $220, so the Chiappa seems to be holding their value also.  I do know that the GSG would have to go a long ways to shoot more accurately than my Chiappa.  This gun is wonderfully accurate!  I have owned a lot of .22's over my lifetime, but this one shoots as good or better than any of them, even the Ruger autos.  The trigger could still use some work and I'll probably get some comments on this, but it compares to the stock Ruger autos I have owned.  The trigger is definately in the 'fun' class of gun, rather than in the 'target' class.  It's lighter and smoother than when I received it but it still has a lot of travel before it breaks.  I can shoot very accurately with it, but I will admit I do have to concentrate.  So I still feel the gun is a good value and I enjoy mine very much.  I have to say if you are expecting a gun that feels like your Gold Cup, you will be disappointed, but if you want a gun with the look of a 1911 that is accurate and 'fun', this is the gun for you.  It is a hoot to shoot!  It still brings a big grin to my face every time I take it to the range!  :)  44 Man
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Offline nova71

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Re: Chiappa 1911-22 Review
« Reply #33 on: February 28, 2012, 12:05:45 PM »
I picked up one over the weekend and took it straight to the range (it was on the way home :) ) tried different ammo and out of the box it was very good. it is sorta picky with ammo. it liked Stingers ,and bulk Remington. had a funny problem with Winchester Wildcats. my buddy had some and so did I but with his it would stovepipe or fail to cycle on 90% of the rounds. my wildcats are almost 30 years old and work all but two times from a box of 50. are they making them cheaper now?. we mixed some of his and some of mine and you could hear the difference when we shot them. I took it home and cleaned and oiled it real good and back out today. it did a lot better with the newer wildcats but still don't like them. bulk Remingtons worked great along with Stingers, only had one stovepipe and that was when I tried to see how fast I could empty the mag :D . so far this seems to be a nice pistol, especially for the price, cost me $276 out the door.
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Offline ratdog

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Re: Chiappa 1911-22 Review
« Reply #34 on: August 04, 2012, 05:06:16 PM »
my wife bought a phoenix arms 22 hp it is zinc alloy her and the kids have put 1500 rounds through it had a few miss fires but its the ammo i liked because it is small an accurate gun only cost 160 bucks they don't show any ware and they have life time garantee can't beat that.i bought a second one. they have good reviews on  youtube. :D

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Re: Chiappa 1911-22 Review
« Reply #35 on: August 05, 2012, 01:17:21 PM »
Yes, the ammo is an issue now! Used to be that 'hardware store' lead lubed 22s were better, IMHO. Ive had to run new stuff through my Paco Kelly sizer to help minimize problems. FWIW, CCI MiniMags dont need to be sized for my guns and even the Rem Golden Bullets have given me less trouble than new lots of lubed lead bullets.
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